Sunday, May 3, 2015

So Long, Farewell, Aufwiedersehn, Good Bye

Last Sunday was our last Sunday dinner together . . .
so it deserved full size candy bar chocolate!
Last week I blogged about how Dallin's full-size cut out was making its way around the house.  So Sunday night I placed it in one last place--Josh and Elizabeth's bed!  Pa, ha!

Monday morning Josh left for California.  Sad.  Very sad.

Wednesday I got to go on my first bike ride of the year!  It felt like forever--since I didn't get to bike last summer because of my back.  I only did 10 miles--but it felt great.  And my new bike rack worked wonderfully!

Elizabeth and I enjoyed one last chick flick night before she left . . .
complete with chocolate cake!

And before we knew it, it was Friday morning and time to say goodbye to Elizabeth.  Sad.  Very, very sad.  Josh and Elizabeth, we are going to miss you!

Saturday night we had a Sunday School party at our home.
We had a BBQ and watched the movie, "Meet the Mormons."
Great fun, great movie.

And finally, after talking with all of you, we are going to take turns posting blogs about what's going on in our lives.  So, Michelle and Ty, your assignment will be the second Sunday of every month--which means it's your turn next week.  (Bad timing, I know!  But you can post early if you want!)  Josh and Elizabeth, your turn will be the third Sunday of each month--so you will post on the 17th.  And Jayna, your turn will be the fourth Sunday of the month--which means you will post on the 24th.  And I'll keep doing the 15th blog.  Thanks everyone!  As we live in different places, this will be a great way to keep connected.  And you don't have to wait for your assignment--you can post whenever you want!  Love you all!  Mom

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