Sunday, May 24, 2015

Saturday, May 23

Dad is getting a little too much help making breakfast!
Eliza was able to sneak an Olaf waffle off the plate.

Playing with Grandpa.

After naps we went to the pool.  Eliza wanted nothing to do with it!  She kept saying, "Swimming, no want it!"  And she would NOT go into the pool!

Now Afton, on the other hand, was totally in her element.  She is a little fish.  And she LOVED every second!

Grandpa finally convince Eliza to go into the water . . . but only up to her waist!

In the meantime, Ty and Afton had a ball!  This picture may look like Afton was scared, but she was having so much fun.  I loved watching her be so happy!

Afton told Grandpa she wanted him to do a flip off the diving board.  She was insistent.  Dad didn't do a flip, but he jumped for her.  Ty actually did a backward flip--but I wasn't quick enough with my camera.
Finally, after watching all the fun, Eliza decided she wanted to get into the water.  She grabbed Ty around the neck and held on tight!

Once she got used to the water, she had so much fun.
Eliza:  "I'm swimming, I'm swimming!"

Eliza with her towel.

Afton with her towel.

Ty with his towel.

Reading stories with Grandpa.

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