Sunday, May 10, 2015

Hank and Appleline

Michelle and Ty, I know it's your turn to blog this week.  But since I am coming to your home tomorrow, I thought I would send out pictures of this past week before I go.  But this in NO WAY releases you from your responsibility!
So, Dad got a new toy this week.
I'd like to introduce you to Hank the Hatchet.
We left the two of them alone for about an hour, and you can see all the carnage that resulted.
Now I'd like to introduce you to Appleline, our new little apple tree.
Can you see her?  She's at the end of our flower bed.
It has rained ALL week long!  We had a couple hours of partial sunshine on Saturday morning, so we took advantage of it, got her planted, and worked on the flower bed.

But then the rain . . . and hail . . . and snow returned with a vengeance!
We went out to see the movie, The Age of Adaline, (hence, the inspiration for the name of our cute little apple tree) and to do some shopping.  It was freezing!
Jayna came home for the weekend and got to experience all of it!

But pulled pork at Bird Dog BBQ made it all better!

It's Saturday night, and I'm worried about little Appleline. 
This is a picture with my flash on--you can see the snowflakes.

This is a picture without my flash, so you can see Appleline if you look carefully.

Sunday morning I went to check on Appleline.  Outside the roads looked pretty good.  But there was ice on our steps, and I couldn't get the screen door opened.  The ice had sealed it shut!
Dad went to church early in the morning and then called me a few minutes later.  They had to cancel church because the parking lot was sheet of ice . . . in May . . . on Mother's Day.  Seriously?!

But since Dad was already at church, he was able to bring home See's Mother's Day chocolate bars for Jayna and I!  Dad saved the day!

Dad also prepared my yummy Mother's Day dinner--rib eye steaks on the grill!
And for the record, it's what I asked for!
And we got to Skype with Dallin!  He is doing great!  He has grown so much as a missionary!  And it was so wonderful to be able to see him and talk with him. 

Dallin mailed us a Christmas package on February 3rd . . .
and we got it on Friday, May 8th!
In the package were winter hats for everyone!
Dallin wrote, "Here's the winter hats that pretty much everyone wears, it's pretty cultural.  There's one for everybody including the baby that's coming in May!  And Josh and Elizabeth, just inform me and I can send another small hat--or if Michelle and Ty have another one.  Mom and Dad, I don't expect another kid from you guys.  The four more colorful ones are for Mom, Michelle, Elizabeth, and Jayna.  The others are for Dad, Ty, and Josh.  They're reversible!  Don't tug and stretch too much.  Everything from Peru is cheap, ha ha.  But these ones should be good."
So we'll send all of you your hats this week. 
I'm headed for Mississippi tomorrow--where I'm apparently camping with Afton as soon as I get there!   Baby Payne should be born Tuesday morning--unless she decides to come on her own tomorrow.  I will try to blog each day I can and keep everyone updated with photos. 
And Josh and Elizabeth, it's your turn to blog next Sunday.  And I want to see pictures of your new apartment!


  1. Mom, I sure enjoy your blogs. I'm always excited to see another one posted.

  2. Ditto to Michelle's comment.

    I love seeing life through your eyes.
