Saturday, May 16, 2015

Friday, May 15

The Laundry Basket--the standard issue for newborns at the Payne home.
(Personally, I think they should market this idea and create laundry baskets in blue and pink.  The baby fits perfectly for a few months, they are easy to carry around, and the baby is somewhat hidden from over-attentive siblings!  Genius!)
Some one on one chats with Mom.

Aunt Laura sent this book to the girls along with this sweet note inside: 
"I love this book and wanted to share it with you because of my love of "s"s.  Strawberries, sharing, and sisters!  Strawberries--because they are so good, and sharing and sisters because if you always share with your sister, you will always have a friend.  Friends are important and sisters that are friends equal a lifetime of happiness.  Enjoy!"
She also sent supplies to make these cute mouse masks!

Afton kept her mask on for awhile . . . Eliza, maybe three seconds.  Then the funniest thing happened.  Afton and Eliza were fighting over a toy.  At one point Eliza looked up and saw Afton in the mask.  Eliza started laughing and let go of the toy!  She just couldn't take Afton seriously!
Michelle got out some baby toys--that were instantly taken over by Eliza and Afton. 

This is a picture of Eliza getting in trouble.  It's so hard not to laugh.

We were eating apple slices on the front porch when Eliza decided to go walking through the front flower bed.  But when she stepped into the middle of the bushes, she immediately stopped and wouldn't budge.  I thought the bush might be kind of prickly on her legs.  But when I came around, she pointed to the edging and said, "snake."

Playing at the park.

For the last two days, Afton has worked very hard learning how to go down the fireman pole all by herself.  And today, she did it!

Dallin gave everyone hats from Peru.  We tried to get one normal family picture, but never quite succeeded.  And thank goodness--because a normal picture wouldn't make me smile like all these do.


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