Friday, August 1, 2014

Girls Camp - Where's the Ark?

Daughters of Virtue 2014
Come Unto Christ

Once again, Dad and I went to Young Women Camp.
Tuesday evening, as usual, Dad and I led ward Family Home Evening.

So, on Tuesday it rained off and on all day.  But after we finished Family Home Evening, it started raining again . . . and it didn't stop!  It rained all day on Wednesday.  But Whitney Green and Cindy Hill, our camp directors, were totally prepared.  They even brought blow dryers.  So after our girls finished their hikes on Wednesday morning, they got in dry clothes, drank hot chocolate, and had their hair blown dry!

Wednesday afternoon we had ward skits.  Besides a small cameo appearance by one bishop, Dad was the only bishop that participated in the skits--and the girls loved it!  

After all the ward skits, they had the bishops do a surprise performance!
(Dad is second from the right.)

As part of their dance, each bishop did some kind of "move" and the other bishops tried to copy him.  Dad did the "zipper."  The girls loved it--they all cheered for him!

After the bishops performed, the stake camp director asked if there were four priesthood brethren who could help her for a minute.  Well, of course, Dad was one of the first men to volunteer . . . but it was a trick!  She had them come up front and try to find a piece of gum in a pile of whip cream without using their hands.  The first one to blow a bubble won.

Bishop Rogers, Brother Savage, Dad, Bishop Hart

Late Wednesday night, after the evening program and activities were done, Dad and I headed home.  With all the rain, I can't say I was totally disappointed!  It felt wonderful to sleep in a warm, dry bed . . . I felt a little guilty thinking of our ward!  Dad worked a half day on Thursday then headed back to camp.  It rained off and on all day Thursday.  So by Friday morning President Ashby decided to have the girls go home one day early, as there was another bad storm forecast to hit again in the afternoon.  So they had the program that was scheduled for that night in the morning, ate lunch, then packed up and headed home.  Dad said driving out of the mountains with all the mud was difficult.  But he arrived home safely around 4:30.  

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