Saturday, August 16, 2014

Family Time - August 10th

Today was Dallin's farewell talk at church.  He did a wonderful job--so proud of him!  He is ready to be a missionary!  Josh played his own arrangement of "God Be With You Till We Meet Again" for a special musical number.  It made us all a little teary!

After Sacrament Meeting, it was time for Jayna to say goodbye.  She had to catch a plane back to Idaho for work.  It was an emotional goodbye.  

Eliza can play "possum" just like Afton used to do!

Eliza LOVED Elizabeth's water bottle--which Elizabeth always shared with her!  But after drenching her dress, Elizabeth took off Eliza's clothes and set her on a towel to enjoy sipping the water.  

Snuggle time on the couch!

Some pictures from Dallin's open house.


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