Monday, August 18, 2014

And He's Off!

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014
4:15 a.m.
Packing up some last minute things.

It's 4:20 a.m., and we're off to the airport!
Josh, did you notice what tie he is wearing?! 
(It is Josh's lucky tie from his own mission that he gave to Dallin.)

Much to our disappointment, they did not let Dad and I go through security to wait with Dallin at his gate.  So we spent our last few minutes together in an area outside security.
Dallin is finishing some thank you notes!

Time to say goodbye.
I'm tearing up again as I write this!

Some nice lady walked by and asked if we would like a picture together.

And then he was gone.
I couldn't stand it--so Dad and I walked over to the security area and watched him go through security.  Dallin didn't even know we were there.  

It was a tough morning.  But once we got an email from Dallin stating that he was safe at the Mexico MTC, I did a lot better!  

We will miss you Dallin!
But we know you will be an incredible missionary!

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