Sunday, August 2, 2015

Page Family Reunion

July 16-18 we held attended a Page Family Reunion in honor of Gladys' 80th birthday.  We first met at the Jordan River Temple where we did sealings as a family.  It was fun going there, as this is where Dad and I were married.
After the temple we went to Little America in Salt Lake City where we had a nice dinner.  Then it was off to Greg and Cynthia's home in Midway where we stayed for the rest of the reunion.
On Friday we had a nice, relaxing day.  We went on walks, sat around and talked, went to the swimming pool, and went out for a nice Mexican dinner.
In the afternoon we had a puzzle challenge--boys against the girls.  We both got the same 500-piece puzzle, and each team worked hard to see who could finish their puzzle first. 

It was close--but the girls won!

But the boys kept at it (except for Dad--who you can see in the background getting some snacks--he was done)!

Friday evening we had a good time watching a slide show of the Grant and Gladys Page family as the children were growing up.  So many fun pictures!
Saturday afternoon all the grandchildren and great grandchildren arrived.  Dad and I were in charge of a few games for everyone.  I have a few pictures of each activity--but I thought I would include them all so you could see as many people as possible.
Getting the Oreo from your forehead to your mouth.

The Elephant Walk--knocking down water bottles.






The twins--Karla and Karen

Dad was the champion!
Drawing pictures on the top of your head.
Alisa was the winner!

Grandma playing Don't Eat Pete with the great grandkids.

We had a program celebrating Gladys' 80th birthday.  All the grandchildren wrote down something they loved about Gladys along with a matching gift.  It was a lot of fun hearing Gladys read all the memories, etc. and adding memories of our own . . and laughing . . a lot! 

Happy Birthday, Gladys!

Greg and Cynthia's tandem bike!
Saturday evening, after everyone was gone, Jayna, Dad, and I went and got ice cream!

Sunday morning we went back to Provo and attended Grant and Gladys' ward.
Jayna got to sneak away from work and join us for Sacrament meeting.  Then she had to go back to work--but she was able to finish and get back to the church by the end of the block. 

Then we got to see her apartment and work.  We spent the rest of the afternoon at the Applegates--then we were off to the airport and headed back to Colorado Springs!

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