Monday, August 24, 2015

Family, It's About Time

As we begin our new life in Rexburg, I am still taking a lot of pictures.
So here's what I've got for this past week.
On Monday night we had Family Home Evening with Josh and Elizabeth.  We talked about how we can keep the Sabbath Day holy and make it a delight.  Then we went to the game room at our apartment complex and played air hockey, ping pong, and pool.  We ended the night with fresh peach shakes.

I finally got one in Dad's hole!

I snapped this picture at exactly the right time.  This is Dad's game face.  He made this exact same face in high school when he played basketball!

Dad and I tried to do our "A" date on Tuesday.
We were going to ride "ATVs" in St. "Anthony" at the sand dunes.  But the rental guy didn't show up--so we left.  Another day.
On Wednesday we helped Josh and Elizabeth move to Pocatello.

We timed it.  It took us 17 minutes to unload the truck.
They have a really nice apartment.  And after living with other people for the past year, and moving around a lot, having their own place feels really good to them!

On Thursday Dad and I sent to see Jeffrey, Kirsten, and JJ Carver.  They are leaving Rexburg this weekend and will be moving to Texas.  Such a cute family!  We wish they had stayed in Rexburg a little bit longer!

On Friday we drove to Salt Lake City.  We stopped and looked at cars in various places along the way.  We got to the Applegates in time for a yummy dinner and then we were off to the Jordan River Temple to do sealings with my family.  It was a wonderful evening, followed by ice cream at Sub Zero.  You're not going to believe this . . . but I forgot to take pictures!  Dang!
Saturday morning Dad and I went for a long bike ride.  We followed the Jordan River Trail most of the way.  We took one detour to explore the Madison River Trail.  This picture was taken on that trail, which put us on top of a hill on the south side of the Bangerter highway. 

After the bike ride and showers . . . we bought a car!
We are now a two-car family again.
Introducing Howie the Honda.
As soon as I saw that Howie had a hitch, I knew it was a sign that this was the car for me!  Bwhaha!

Then we headed down to Provo to pick up Jayna and have lunch with Grant and Gladys.  We went to a place call Mooyah for burgers and shakes.  It was yummy!

We got to see Jayna's new apartment.  She is excited about her big bedroom and closet.  There's enough room in her closet to place all her shoes on the top shelf!

We parked our Lexus in Grandma and Grandpa's driveway . . . and it leaked something!  So Dad went to the auto store and bought some cleaner to clean their driveway.  It worked! 

Saturday evening we went swimming with Grandma and Grandpa.  They've been going to the pool about three times a week to exercise.

Grandpa's become quite the swimmer!

Relaxing in the hot tub.

My favorite part of the evening was when we were all in the hot tub and Grandpa let out a big burp.  We all looked at him.  Then he pointed to Grandma.  Pa, ha!

Sunday morning we got to hear Kaylee give her homecoming talk after returning from a mission to Georgia.  She did a great job!  Then we all went back to Jay and Suzie's house for some yummy food.  It was fun spending about three hours visiting with family.

Sunday afternoon we drove back to Rexburg--with a stop in Pocatello to see Josh and Elizabeth.  Dad gave Josh a Father's Blessing before he starts school tomorrow.

And we got to see their new couch they bought off Craigslist for only $50.

It is fun being close enough to be able drive down to Salt Lake for the weekend and spend time with family.  Good stuff.

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