Sunday, September 6, 2015

Because We Can!

I know I've been posting every week--but today is officially my turn!
Ty and Michelle, you have the 13th--I hope you'll post lots of pictures from your Payne Family Reunion!  Josh and Elizabeth, you have the 20th.  And Jayna, you have the 27th.
Dad and I are starting to get into a schedule.  And with Dad working, we don't have as many adventures and pictures to share.  But we did have a fun day on Saturday.
We had planned on doing a long bike ride out in the farmland east of Rexburg.  But Saturday morning was cold and very windy--so we change our plans.  Because we can!
We got in the car and headed southeast to Palisades Reservoir--which is right on the Idaho/Wyoming border.  It was beautiful! 

We went into Alpine Wyoming to get information on local hikes and ended up hiking for about an hour on the Palisades Creek Trail.

I've got my bear spray!

After our hike, we HAD to stop and get square-shaped ice cream cones!

Then we hurried home to catch the last half of the BYU-Nebraska football game.  The ending was amazing--a hail Mary pass with one second left to win the game!  But we feel so bad for Taysom Hill, who is out for the season . . . again.
We ended our day with dinner at Big Juds--our first time being there since coming to Rexburg.  It was about time . . . and it didn't disappoint.

We love and miss you all!

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