Sunday, May 4, 2014

Yard Day and Hamburger Extravaganza

Hi, kids!  Not a lot to report on this week.

You all know how much I love family work days in the yard!
So Saturday was a fun day.  We cemented in new fence posts.

We raked up all the pine needles . . .

. . . about seven bags worth!

We pulled weeds, cleared out flower beds, and started working on the lawn.
Because it was such a beautiful day, I even defied the flip-flop Colorado weather and was brave enough to put up two hanging flower baskets (look careful--behind the table).  If you look carefully, you will also notice a squirrel by the side of a chair who came out to enjoy the fun!

That evening we held another Hamburger Extravaganza.  This is a ward tradition Dad started.  Whenever we have a missionary about to leave, the missionary and all the Priests or Laurels are invited to our home for a Hamburger Extravaganza.  We grill hamburgers and hot dogs and then have any type of topping you can imagine available--bacon, ham, fried eggs, sauces, etc.  All the youth get to ask the missionary a question and the missionary ends with his testimony.  This evening we were honoring both Robbie Kearns and Tyler Hill.

Chris Porter tries to wrap his mouth around his huge burger.

Robbie Kearns and Tyler Hill, with Jake Green in the back.

Josh, I wish you could have been here to listen to your friend, Tyler, talk in church and talk to the priests.  He was very honest with the boys about his past mistakes and bore strong testimony of the ability to change through the Atonement of Christ.  Very powerful.  He will be an amazing missionary.


  1. I don't always comment, but I hope you know how much I appreciate this blog. I love reading about your goings on, your thoughts, and your testimony. It is wonderful and I love it every time I see a new post pop up in my reader. I love you.

  2. Me too! Me too!

    I LOVE this hamburger extravaganza tradition . What a great idea.

    Your yard is beautiful. It reflects you so well -- orderly, neat, pretty, welcoming.
