Sunday, May 25, 2014

It's a Privilege

I recently finished reading President Henry B. Eyring’s biography.  There are several things in his life that have made an impression upon me.  But there is one experience in particular I’ve been pondering a lot.

At the beginning of 1971, Henry B. Eyring was asked to serve as president of Ricks College (now BYU-Idaho).  As he prayed about what he should do, he struggled in getting a clear answer.  The only impression that came to his mind was “It’s my school.”  It was this thought that guided his decision to go to Ricks.

When President Eyring was asked to be president of Rick’s College, he was currently working as a professor at Stanford.  He was very successful, and some of his colleagues expected him to become dean of the business school and perhaps president of the university.  They were dumbstruck when he accepted the assignment to serve at a two-year college they had never heard of.  I’m sure that they, and many others, thought he was making a huge sacrifice.

A few years later, President Eyring was offered a high-paying, prestige-filled job in Southern California.  As he fasted and prayed about this decision, the Spirit whispered that he would have the privilege of staying at Ricks College “a little longer.”  When his uncle, President Spencer W. Kimball, asked him if he thought he was making a sacrifice, President Eyring said no. 

This story has impacted me in a rather profound way and caused me to view my life a little differently, which in turn has brought an added increase in my ability to find joy in the journey.

How many times in my life have I viewed my callings or responsibilities as obligations and sacrifices?  How many times have I felt I was sacrificing the things I really wanted to do for things I felt I needed to do as an active member of Christ’s church?  The answer--too many. 

There are many things we are asked to do as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  But the true reality is--serving in any capacity is not a sacrifice.  It’s a privilege.  As with President Erying, this thought should always guide me:  “It is my church.  And you have the privilege of serving in it a little longer.”

This happened to me as I was driving to the temple a couple weeks ago.  While going to the temple is something I truly want to do, sometimes I simply go because I know I should—because it’s the right thing to do.  Sometimes as I’m driving to the temple, I’ll see someone riding a bike and think, “I wish I had time to do that.”  But a couple weeks ago as I headed to the temple—and was feeling the stress of having so many things I needed to do, I thought to myself, “Going to the temple isn’t a sacrifice.  It’s a privilege.”  And something changed.  The reality of the blessings that come from being in the temple were deeply impressed upon me, and I absolutely knew that being in the temple was a privilege I did not want to miss.  And with that realization came an overwhelming sense of gratitude that this is something I can choose to do—and I experienced a great joy throughout the entire experience.

I often tell you kids to “Find Joy in the Journey.”  (Actually, I’m just quoting President Monson!)  J  But I am finding that one of the keys to finding joy is realizing that many of the things we perceive as sacrifices are, in reality, privileges wrapped up in disguise.  I’m sure President Eyring would agree.

Update:  June 18, 2014
I read this scripture from the Book of Mormon this morning--and loved it!
"Now, if a man desired to serve God, it was his privilege; or rather, if he believed in God it was his privilege to serve him."  Alma 30:9

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Dallin's Graduation

Well, it's official.  Dallin has graduated from high school!
(Look for the teacher at the end of the row with the yellow stole.  There are two girls sitting next to him.  Dallin is sitting next to the two girls.)

Dallin is walking up the ramp.

The graduates were told not to throw their caps in the air after moving their tassels.  You'll notice that Dallin is no longer wearing his cap . . . one last act of rebellion.

The proud sister.

The proud parents.

Dad is checking to make sure Dallin actually got his diploma.

Laura, Dallin, and Alexis.

AJ, Mike, Dallin, and Chip.

Dallin with PJ, Liberty's athletic trainer.

After the graduation we had a BBQ at the Call's house.

Nicolette, Jayna, Dallin, and Chip.

It's hard to believe all our children have now graduated from high school.
The end of an era.
The beginning of new one.

Monday, May 19, 2014

A Big Week for Dallin

A lot of exciting things happened in Dallin's life this week.

This was his last "friends lunch" at our home.

Thursday evening, at the Liberty Senior Awards Night, Dallin received an honor cord for graduation.
He was also awarded the Principal's "Lanced Up Senior Award."

Friday was the last day of school!  Woot woot!

I don't have any pictures, but Friday night Dallin went camping with some of his friends to celebrate the end of school.  He had a lot of fun--despite setting up a tent on four inches of snow.  And he said he had a great experience, as the young men led their own evening devotional.  But I refuse to tell you about the squirrels.  You'll have to ask Dallin about that!

On Sunday, after Church, Dad conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood upon Dallin and ordained him to the office of  Elder.

These are all the men who took part in the ordination:
Back Row - Tom Nixon, Greg Angell, Kevin Call, Gary Spencer, Dave Walsman
Front Row:  Paul McKean, James Hall, Dallin, Dad, Jerry Hill, Marc Phillips

Chris Porter, Dallin, Zach Call
All three were sustained as Elders today.  They were all sitting at the sacrament table to bless the sacrament.  So when their names were read, all three of them stood up together.  It was really kinda cool.  Chris was ordained after Dallin, and Zach will be ordained on Thursday.

There goes Dad . . . photo bombing again.  He is out of control!

So here is Dallin's line of authority:

Dallin Jay Page was ordained an Elder on May 18th, 2014, by his father, Brian Glenn Page,
who was ordained by M. Grant Page,
who was ordained by William Henry Page,
who was ordained by N. Kimball Thomson,
who was ordained by Melvin J. Ballard,
who was ordained by Heber J. Grant,
who was ordained by George Q. Cannon,
who was ordained by Brigham Young,
who was ordained by Joseph Smith,
who received his authority from Peter, James, and John,
who received their authority from Jesus Christ.

And finally, on Sunday evening, Dallin graduated from Seminary.

Chip and Dallin with their seminary teacher, Brother Romney.

Brother Romney, Chip, Alexis, Dallin, and Laura

We took pictures against the wall to prevent Dad from photo bombing . . . 
but he just slipped into the side of the picture, holding a diploma, in hopes of blending in.

Good friends:  Joey Black, Zach Call, Thomas Fife, and Dallin

What an amazing week!  We're so grateful for Dallin, his example, his testimony, and his influence in our family.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Day in the Life

Brian:  Doing bishop stuff in my church office.

Kathy:  I love visiting teaching!  This is how I met my good friend, Elvia.  Today she taught me how to make authentic Mexican beans.  She cooked them in her clay pot which you can see on the table.  She also taught me how to make the most amazing salsa!

Ty: I took Afton on a 5k family “Full Moon” fun run tonight.
She was the first one to cross the finish line!
But all she could talk about afterward was the moon pie she got.

Michelle:  The end!

Afton: I'm teaching Eliza how to jump on the bed.

Eliza: We played musical car seats today.
No, not because I’m getting a little brother or sister.  I’m just growing too fast.

Josh:  Wearing my "Shockers" shirt while studying "circuits" and physics.

Elizabeth:  Shopping all the bargains.

Jayna:  I went with Kirsten to find a wedding dress! Crazy.

Dallin:  Studying for anatomy--two more days of school left!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day.  So first and foremost, I would like to thank my mother for all the sacrifices she has made in my behalf.  I love her and am so grateful for her example and influence in my life.  

I would also like to thank Brian's mother for all she did to raise a righteous, worthy man and for her love and influence in my life.

I would also like to thank you kids for your patience and kindness as you have allowed me to learn and grow in my role as your mother.  I could not ask for better children.

Yesterday Dad bought me these flowers for Mother's Day.  He said that the reports showed it was going to snow on Mother's Day, and he wanted me to have something "springy" to enjoy.  What a thoughtful husband!

And Dad was right . . . it did snow!
And still, he grilled steaks for a yummy Mother's Day dinner.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading all your cards, Facetiming on the phone, and opening your thoughtful gifts.  Thank you so much!!!  It made me a little sad realizing this might be my last Mother's Day with kids at home.

Yesterday I was going through some of our scrapbooks, and I found different notes you kids have written to me through the years.  Here is one of my favorites.

I consider that one of the greatest compliments ever!

I love you, kids!  I am so grateful for the opportunity I've been given to be your mother--and for the added blessing of Ty and Elizabeth.  You are my greatest joy.

Saturday is a Special Day

For me, Saturday is a special day when we get to work in the yard or on house projects!
Today we got to work on the fence again.
We put up the old slats and bought new ones to replace the slats that had broken.

Jayna was excited to use her lumberjack skills again!
She cut off a big branch that was in the way of the new fence.

Today we also had our bathroom torn apart!
All the old tile and flooring was removed, and the plumbing was redone.

But here's our new countertop!
I sanded down the cabinet base and helped stain the wood.

Later that night I thought I heard water running.  I was the only one home at the time, so I went upstairs to check it out . . . and found that one of the pipes had come loose and water was spraying everywhere!  Yikes!  Obviously, the guy that's helping us came back to fix it and all's good.