Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Dallin's Pictures - September 28

We did a BBQ in the house of a recent convert that got sealed about 2 months ago--they are awesome.  They have a bunch of roosters too!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Who Knew We'd Have Another FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!

Here's an update of the past couple weeks.
Monday, September 14th, 2015.
Dad's first day of school!
There he goes!

I already posted this in our "Day in the Life" blog, but it was a wonderful experience being part of the inauguration of President Gilbert as the 16th president of BYU-Idaho on September 15th.

Dad's office--Room 309 in the Smith Building.

Dad's classroom--Room 220.
What a cute professor!

Friday evening, September 18th, we got to go down to Pocatello and have dinner with Josh and Elizabeth--I took my camera, but I forgot to take any pictures.  I'm slipping.
Thursday, September 24th, we had a meeting with our builders and signed an online contract for our home!  It's now official!

We sure love it here!

Jayna came up for the weekend!
We are ready for the General Women's Conference!
(In case you can't tell, Jayna's rolling her eyes because I'm holding up my notebook and pen to show I'm ready to learn--just like they do at BYU-I devotionals!)  Pa, ha!

Sunday evening we had Jayna and her friends, Sydney and Marissa, over for dinner.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Dallin's Pictures - September 21

So we found a great burger place, and this is called the Royal hot dog.  You cant even see the hot dog but there are 2--and cheese, egg, ham and french fries...sooo good.  And I found root beer!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life of the Pages
Tuesday, September 15th, 2015
Brian:  I got to be a part of an historic day--the inauguration of President Clark Gilbert as the 16th president of BYU-Idaho.
Kathy:  I'm trying to get set up as an assistant in Dad's Excel class so I can have access to the tutorial videos.

Ty:  We were traveling last night so we did Family Night tonight.  Here is my "part."
Michelle:  Back in my own bed tonight.  One of the few comforting things about our great trip being over.
Afton:  I'm trying to get my sisters to sing the song for Family Night.
Eliza:  They don't call me The Bruiser for nothing!
Kathryn:  Life is good.
Josh:  Returning to school means the return of the pizza burrito!
Elizabeth:  Enjoying a nice walk in the rain.
Jayna:  Today called for lots of phone calls with patients and lots of time being on hold with medical supply companies for said patients.
Dallin:  My companion and Hermano Miguel--who is awesome.  He always helps us so much and has a huge love for the work and the scriptures.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Dallin's Pictures - September 14

My companion.
My comp and also Hermano Miguel.  He is awesome, he always helps us sooo much.  He has a huge love for the work and the scriptures.  He has 1 and a half years in the church and he has read the Book of Mormon 10 times and the Bible a ton, and is just awesome.
Fun fact:  Miguel's job. . .payaso! (Clown)  haha, he is hilarious, he reminds me of Bryan Regan.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Coincidence . . . I Think Not!

I thought I would include one of my personal favorite views when I walk outside in the morning.  It is 1.82 miles from our apartment to the temple.  So when I walk outside, I choose to walk to the temple.  It's an inspiring beginning to my day.
Tuesday evening Dad and I attended a reception for new teachers and then a dinner for all the faculty.  It was really good.  I was impressed with the new president, President Gilbert.  And it was fun to hear President Eyring's son, Henry Eyring, the Vice President of Academics, talk.  He looks and sounds exactly like his dad!
I had the best experience on Wednesday of this week.  I decided to attend a couple classes at the Family History Center in Rexburg.  The first class I attended was instruction on how to add pictures, stories, documents, and audio to family members' profiles on Family Search.  There was only one other person in the class--this sweet lady who sat across from me.

The instructor in the class started asking me where I was from and why I was here in Rexburg.  When I said that Dad would be a business management professor at BYU-I, this sweet lady said, "I used to be the Dean of the Business School."  Something clicked in my head.  I asked her, "Did you used to teach Accounting?"  She said she did.  I asked what her name was.  She said, "Irma Anderson."  I said "You're not going to believe this--I have to tell you a story."  I told her that when Dad interviewed with President Clarke, he asked Dad what got him into the business field.  Dad told him, "When I attended Ricks College 35 years ago, I had an accounting teacher named Irma Andersen that influenced me."  Dad asked if she was still around, and President Clarke told him she was retired but still lived in Rexburg.  What are the odds I would decide to attend this class, on this particular day, and get to meet her?!?!  Coincidence?  I think not!  The first thing I did after telling the story was ask if I could get a picture with her, and then I sent it to Dad.  It was a really sweet experience--and touched all the people around us who were listening.  And I think it meant a lot to her, too, to think she had an influence on a student who returned to teach at BYU-I 35 years later. 
It's been fun seeing old friends as they bring their children to school!  On Friday we got to visit with Paula and Steve Leishman and James and Angie Hall.

I decided to stop boring you with all our bike rides.  We rode 16 miles on Monday through the farmland . . . but I didn't take any pictures. :)
But on Saturday morning we drove up to Harriman State Park and rode.  It was a great ride and so much fun!  So sorry--I just had to take pictures again!
We started off biking through fields with lakes and meadows.

Look--it's Odette!
Then we rode to Golden Lake and ventured up into the mountains.

I told Dad to stop so I could get a picture.  He didn't appreciate being stopped half way up a hill!  Pa, ha!

Through the mountains the trail was extremely narrow and very sandy in parts.  We saw these tracks everywhere--which made us really nervous!  We have our bear spray, but we still consider ourselves to be city folk--who are not prepared to encounter a bear attack!

After coming out the mountains we rode around some lakes.

It was a great ride--12 miles.
After our ride we headed back to Rexburg to shower then down to Idaho Falls to try and finalize some things with our house.  Someone bought the lot we were planning to build on, so we ended up picking the lot right next to it.  Not our first choice.  And actually, it wasn't even our second choice--since we started with golf course lot.  But we think it will be fine.
Then we hurried back to Rexburg to have dinner with Jeannette, Roger, Allan, Becky, and Lauren.  It was fun--and I can't believe I forgot to take a picture!  Next time.
Dad speaks in church today.
And we're really excited for school to begin on Monday.
Life is good.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Because We Can!

I know I've been posting every week--but today is officially my turn!
Ty and Michelle, you have the 13th--I hope you'll post lots of pictures from your Payne Family Reunion!  Josh and Elizabeth, you have the 20th.  And Jayna, you have the 27th.
Dad and I are starting to get into a schedule.  And with Dad working, we don't have as many adventures and pictures to share.  But we did have a fun day on Saturday.
We had planned on doing a long bike ride out in the farmland east of Rexburg.  But Saturday morning was cold and very windy--so we change our plans.  Because we can!
We got in the car and headed southeast to Palisades Reservoir--which is right on the Idaho/Wyoming border.  It was beautiful! 

We went into Alpine Wyoming to get information on local hikes and ended up hiking for about an hour on the Palisades Creek Trail.

I've got my bear spray!

After our hike, we HAD to stop and get square-shaped ice cream cones!

Then we hurried home to catch the last half of the BYU-Nebraska football game.  The ending was amazing--a hail Mary pass with one second left to win the game!  But we feel so bad for Taysom Hill, who is out for the season . . . again.
We ended our day with dinner at Big Juds--our first time being there since coming to Rexburg.  It was about time . . . and it didn't disappoint.

We love and miss you all!