Sunday, August 24, 2014

Goodbye, Goodbye, and More Goodbyes

So, this past week pretty quiet with just me,
Dad, Jayna, and Grandma and Grandpa at home.

Thursday evening we went to a Sky Sox game.

Jayna found a gluten-free, dairy-free snack she could enjoy!

Jayna thought this is what they meant by the "Seventh Inning Stretch!"
Just kidding!  But it brought back a lot of memories of Jayna singing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" when she was little!

Grandma and I played Rummikub almost every day.
But the highlight was when she beat me on Friday!

Friday afternoon we went miniature golfing.

We got sidetracked with the animals!

Ok, IF bums were actually cute, whose do you think is cuter?

Dad took first, Grandpa took second, and I came in third!

Friday night Jayna slept outside.  I think she is missing AFY.
She said it's the best night sleep she's had since being home!

Saturday we took Grandma, Grandpa, and Jayna to the airport.
We convinced the Frontier agents we needed to help Mom and Dad get to their gate--so they gave Dad and I passes to get through security.  It was wonderful--because we got to see Michelle and the girls again.  They had a layover from Seattle on their way to Memphis.

When we found them, Afton was asleep in her stroller.
But when she woke up, she was excited to see us!

I didn't have my surprise drawer with me--
but I had a special surprise purse with snacks!

Eliza and Grandpa playing "possum!"

After we said goodbye to Jayna, Michelle, Afton, and Eliza,
we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's gate, where we said goodbye to them.
There's been too many goodbyes the past couple weeks--
I don't think my heart can take much more!

Then Dad and I headed home to a very quiet, very empty home.
(Big sigh.)


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. My heart hurts for you and all of your good-byes. I like what Pres. Uchtdorf says about us resisting endings because we are eternal beings. Endings and good-byes are no fun.

    I love that you took your folks miniature golfing.

    Tough choice between the two behinds.

  2. I forgot to mention how cute the pictures of the girls were with you guys. I'm so glad you got to meet up with them. So glad we get to grandparent them together.

    1. I'm so glad we get to grandparent together, too! And I loved that talk by Pres. Uchtdorf--I'll have to go read it again!
