Thursday, August 14, 2014

Family Time - August 7th

Thursday we planned a party!
Afton wanted "pink" treats.
She picked out pink cookies and pink candies at the store.
Then after her nap we put up the decorations.

Eliza loves climbing on the fireplace!
She was fascinated by the decorations.

Since we had never celebrated my birthday, Dad decided to make this a birthday party.  When Dad declared it was my birthday, Afton started to cry and said it was her birthday!  So we hurried and wrapped a present for her to open.  

When she first opened the video, she declared, "It's a book!"
When she got the video out of the case, she had no idea what it was!
But later that night she enjoyed watching Tarzan on the old TV downstairs.

Afton insisted Dad wear a necklace for the party!

We played Ring Around the Rosies for our party game.  
Eliza joined us--and seemed to like it!

Pony rides!

Singing Happy Birthday to Afton--she loved it!

Blowing out the candles.

I think Afton has the right idea.
I think we should celebrate our birthdays several times a year!

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