Friday, July 25, 2014

Idaho - Tuesday, 22nd

Josh had another final this morning--so we took our time getting up.  I actually walked all the way to the temple from our hotel and back.  Then the boys went golfing.  

Elizabeth drove one of the carts!

Dad had the shot of the day!
He chipped the ball in the hole from where he is standing, over the pond, to where Josh is standing.  Amazing!

Reading the green.

That afternoon we drove down to Idaho Falls--or "The Falls," as Dad insists on calling them.  (Actually, he insisted that all of us call them that--he's trying to start a new trend.)  We took Josh and Elizabeth out to a "Graduation Celebration" lunch at yummy steak place called Jakers. 

After our lunch, Elizabeth had to go to work.  So we checked into our new hotel.  (Our hotel in Rexburg was already booked for graduation.  So we stayed our last few nights in "The Falls.")  Josh was going to study a little . . . you can see how well that worked out!

This is Dallin after Josh woke up.  You can guess what happened. :)

So, I have a rubber ball I roll on my feet muscles every morning and night to help with my planterfasciitis.  Josh found it and decided to take it as we walked around the hotel and checked out the pool.  He and Dallin were bouncing it back and forth everywhere we went. When we got to the pool, they were bouncing it over the water.  So you can guess what happened.  Yep, the ball bounced right into the pool.  So Josh took off his shirt, had Dallin hold his legs, and reached down to the bottom of the pool.



That night we drove back to Rexburg so Dallin could play some pick-up ball with Josh and his friends.  So Dad and I went and saw Captain America 2 and got some more custard and Italian ice.  Just can't get enough of that stuff!

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