Saturday, July 19, 2014

Idaho - Friday, 18th

 Michelle, Ty, Afton, and Eliza--we wish you were here with us in Idaho!
But since you can't be here, I'm going to try to post pictures every day.

You know you're on vacation when you go for a long walk, get back to the hotel around 11:00, and find this!

Josh and Elizabeth arrived at our hotel, and the traditional wrestling assumed.

 We got to see Josh and Elizabeth's new apartment.  It was very nice--and Elizabeth has done a beautiful job of decorating it.

We went to Sammy's for lunch.  We wrote our names on the wall.

Josh had to prepare for some of his finals--
and both Josh and Elizabeth had to work.
So that evening Dad, Dallin, and I headed up to Jayna's camp.
We took her out to dinner at a pizza place in Driggs that serves gluten-free pizza and gluten-free chocolate cake.

Then Jayna took us on a short tour of her camp.

We left Jayna at her camp and headed back to Rexburg to watch Josh play in the ultimate frisbee championship game.  His team is in the yellow shirts--and they won 15-2!

You can't tell because the picture is blurry--but Josh just scored!

I love that I got this picture with the temple in the background!
Josh is on the far left.

 Elizabeth loves holding Kyran, Caleb Trujillo's little boy.

The team championship photo!
Dad's up to his old tricks of photo bombing!

 The victory celebration--Fat Boy sundaes!


  1. 1. Thank you for the shout out. We wish we could be there!
    2. I want to see pictures of Josh and Elizabeth's lovely apartment.
    3. Sammy's is in Rexburg too? I loved the one in Provo. So good.
    4. I would also like to see pictures of Jayna's camp. I believe you are there again today. You wouldn't be Kathy Page if you weren't taking pictures.
    5. Was the gluten-free pizza also dairy-free? Was it good?
    6. Can't say I've ever heard the name Kyren before. Is it "kigh-rhen"?
    7. Dad, photobombing is better when you're not moving so fast that you're blurry. ;-)
    8. I imagine Josh's team has twinning on their side. Do I see two sets? That must be incredibly confusing for the other team. Great strategy.
    9. Congratulations Josh!
    10. I'm not sure what else to say... but leaving this at 9 just didn't seem right.

  2. Loved your ten comments! The blog for yesterday is coming shortly!
