Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day.  So first and foremost, I would like to thank my mother for all the sacrifices she has made in my behalf.  I love her and am so grateful for her example and influence in my life.  

I would also like to thank Brian's mother for all she did to raise a righteous, worthy man and for her love and influence in my life.

I would also like to thank you kids for your patience and kindness as you have allowed me to learn and grow in my role as your mother.  I could not ask for better children.

Yesterday Dad bought me these flowers for Mother's Day.  He said that the reports showed it was going to snow on Mother's Day, and he wanted me to have something "springy" to enjoy.  What a thoughtful husband!

And Dad was right . . . it did snow!
And still, he grilled steaks for a yummy Mother's Day dinner.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading all your cards, Facetiming on the phone, and opening your thoughtful gifts.  Thank you so much!!!  It made me a little sad realizing this might be my last Mother's Day with kids at home.

Yesterday I was going through some of our scrapbooks, and I found different notes you kids have written to me through the years.  Here is one of my favorites.

I consider that one of the greatest compliments ever!

I love you, kids!  I am so grateful for the opportunity I've been given to be your mother--and for the added blessing of Ty and Elizabeth.  You are my greatest joy.


  1. Jayna's note is the funniest! Happy Mothers Day to a great other.

  2. I loved this. All of it. I'd forgotten about Jayna's note. I can't let it go without saying though.... are you picking a wedgie in that picture of you with your mom? ;-)
