Monday, May 19, 2014

A Big Week for Dallin

A lot of exciting things happened in Dallin's life this week.

This was his last "friends lunch" at our home.

Thursday evening, at the Liberty Senior Awards Night, Dallin received an honor cord for graduation.
He was also awarded the Principal's "Lanced Up Senior Award."

Friday was the last day of school!  Woot woot!

I don't have any pictures, but Friday night Dallin went camping with some of his friends to celebrate the end of school.  He had a lot of fun--despite setting up a tent on four inches of snow.  And he said he had a great experience, as the young men led their own evening devotional.  But I refuse to tell you about the squirrels.  You'll have to ask Dallin about that!

On Sunday, after Church, Dad conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood upon Dallin and ordained him to the office of  Elder.

These are all the men who took part in the ordination:
Back Row - Tom Nixon, Greg Angell, Kevin Call, Gary Spencer, Dave Walsman
Front Row:  Paul McKean, James Hall, Dallin, Dad, Jerry Hill, Marc Phillips

Chris Porter, Dallin, Zach Call
All three were sustained as Elders today.  They were all sitting at the sacrament table to bless the sacrament.  So when their names were read, all three of them stood up together.  It was really kinda cool.  Chris was ordained after Dallin, and Zach will be ordained on Thursday.

There goes Dad . . . photo bombing again.  He is out of control!

So here is Dallin's line of authority:

Dallin Jay Page was ordained an Elder on May 18th, 2014, by his father, Brian Glenn Page,
who was ordained by M. Grant Page,
who was ordained by William Henry Page,
who was ordained by N. Kimball Thomson,
who was ordained by Melvin J. Ballard,
who was ordained by Heber J. Grant,
who was ordained by George Q. Cannon,
who was ordained by Brigham Young,
who was ordained by Joseph Smith,
who received his authority from Peter, James, and John,
who received their authority from Jesus Christ.

And finally, on Sunday evening, Dallin graduated from Seminary.

Chip and Dallin with their seminary teacher, Brother Romney.

Brother Romney, Chip, Alexis, Dallin, and Laura

We took pictures against the wall to prevent Dad from photo bombing . . . 
but he just slipped into the side of the picture, holding a diploma, in hopes of blending in.

Good friends:  Joey Black, Zach Call, Thomas Fife, and Dallin

What an amazing week!  We're so grateful for Dallin, his example, his testimony, and his influence in our family.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh! What neat times. Congratulations Dallin. Congratulations Kathy and Brian.
