Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Valentine's Weekend Getaway

We had a fabulous Valentine's/President's Day weekend!
We drove down to Utah on Friday evening.
Saturday morning we did some furniture shopping.
It was overwhelming and tiring!
But we got to go to Elizabeth's baby shower in the afternoon!
The Applegate clan--
Jayna, Elizabeth, Aimee, Whitney, Laura, Carole, and Jenni.
Elizabeth and her sister, Natalie.

Jayna and baby Elizabeth.

The Page clan--
Jayna, Karla, Alisa, Gladys, Jeannette, and Megan.

Carole, Kathy, Jayna, and Elizabeth.

While the girls were at the shower, the boys got In-N-Out burgers and watched basketball.  Grandpa was pretty excited about his hamburger!  Grandma spoiled them and made a seven layer dip and cheeseball, too. 
After the shower we joined them.

Then Elizabeth showed us all the fun things she got for baby girl Page!

A week earlier, Josh told Dad that Artic Circle had Dunford Donut shakes!
So we made a shake run that night!  Yum!

Sunday morning we relaxed then went to church with Grandma and Grandpa.
Grandma arranged for Josh to play the piano in sacrament meeting.  He played his version of I Stand All Amazed.  So many people came up to him and told him how wonderful it was.  One lady wanted him to write down the name of the person who arranged it and asked where she could find it.  Pa, ha! 
After church we had our traditional heart-shaped pizza dinner!
And, of course, Sunday chocolates--Valentine's style.

Then we played Oh Heck.  Grandma said she didn't remember how to play--then proceeded to win the first round!

With four cards left, Joseph predicted he would win all four tricks.

Then Grandma proceeded to win ALL four!

Last round!

Monday morning we went back to the furniture store to try to finalize some purchases.
Dad wants this table and chairs to go behind the couch downstairs.
He plans on putting all his food on the table--making eating access easy.
Mom and Elizabeth got outvoted on this chair.
When we got to the store--they had donuts outside for people waiting in line.  We didn't get any.  But when Josh and Elizabeth arrived, they wanted one.  At this point they had taken the donuts inside--but we couldn't find them.  Josh looked all over!  And every time a sales person asked us if we needed help, Josh would say, "Yes. Where are the donuts?"  No one could find them!  Finally, at one point, Mom had an idea.  She guided everyone behind closed doors and down hallways . . . and she found them!  Mom was the hero of the day.
Then we headed down to Provo for an early lunch with Grant and Gladys at Mooyahs. 


Our plan was to go to the Provo City Temple open house after that--but we didn't have tickets and there was a three-hour wait in the stand-by line.  Darn!
Josh and Elizabeth left to meet up with friends in Salt Lake. We took Joseph and Jayna to a furniture store in Provo to show them some of the things we looked at.  Then we decided to head home.  We stopped to pick up our stuff at the Applegates--then headed out. 
Funny thing--when we got to Ogden, we found Josh and Elizabeth on the freeway!  We ended up stopping together to gas up. 

We stopped in Pocatello to drop off a cradle at Josh and Elizabeth's.
We stopped in Idaho Falls for dinner.
And then it was back to home sweet home.

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