Sunday, October 11, 2015

Family Fun

Another great week!
I'm enjoying going to the weekly BYU-I devotionals with Dad each week.
 I'm also enjoying being a test student in his Excel class.
On Thursday Elizabeth came up and met me in Idaho Falls to help me make some design choices for our new home.  It was so much fun having her there, and it was great getting her input!  Thank you, Elizabeth!
Friday afternoon we drove to Utah.  We met a lot of the Pages at the Goodwood for dinner.
Saturday morning we went to Adeline's baptism.  It was a stake baptism.  When we walked into the chapel, we were surprised to see President Russell M. Nelson on the stand!  He had a great-granddaughter getting baptized, too.

Saturday evening Dad, Jayna, and I went out to dinner with Jeff, Jenni, Addi, Sara, Grandma, and Grandpa.  We went to Zupas.  There was a sign on the door for Peru soup!
So that's what Jayna and Dad ordered!

Then we went to see "Star Wards" at the Desert Star Theatre.
There were some funny moments . . . but it was pretty lame.
But we had a great time.

Sunday we went to Church with Grandpa Grant.
Then we stopped by the house to visit with Gladys.  She is doing pretty good . . . considering her terrible fall.  That afternoon we went to Kate and Court's for dinner.  It was fun visiting with them, Grandpa and Grandpa, Teresa, the Conleys, and the Hawkes.

This isn't a very good picture, but you can kind of see the result of Grandma's fall.
She is doing so well and has such a great attitude!

At this moment, Dad is driving back to Rexburg.
And I will be spending the week with Grandma and Grandpa Applegate.
Life is good.

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