Sunday, March 15, 2015

Bye Bye, Bug

Dallin, these first pictures are for you!
Jayna went out on a date with someone from Peru this week.  He brought her this candy bar.  Have you had any of these?

On Monday, Jayna received a job offer from a family practice in Orem, Utah.  She accepted, and they wanted her to start the following Monday.  So this was the last week we had Jayna home with us.  On Wednesday, we tried to go on one last hike together.  It had been really sunny here for almost a week.  We naturally assumed the trails would be fine.  But, unfortunately, there was still a lot of snow --and it was packed and very icy.  We tried--but finally had to turn around. 
This is Jayna being sad.

Thursday night, after most of the packing was done, we went to 7-Eleven for slurpees and then watched The Mockingjay, Part 1, from the Hunger Games.

And then Friday morning she was gone. Sniff, sniff.
Bye Bye Jayna Bug.  We will miss you!  But we are so proud of you and know you will do great in your new job!

On Saturday Dad and I got a chance to go snow shoeing one more time.  We went all the way up to Divide.  But it wasn't easy--it's hard to snow shoe when there's not very much snow!

So we took a more difficult path at a higher elevation and did great!

Stopping for snacks!

It was a beautiful, Colorado, blue-sky day,
and we had a great time!


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