Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Dallin's Pictures - March 30

This is our district but not our Zone Leaders.
A sister in the ward is amazing and gives us fried banana when we eat there, its so good!
We made a dish from Bolivia and it was pretty good.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Baptisms and Basketball

Yesterday was a special day.  Emily Keltner, who is one of Elizabeth's Laurels and is also in my Sunday School class, was baptized.  I was truly touched by the service.  Elizabeth gave a talk on the Holy Ghost--which was really wonderful.  But I think the part that left the deepest impression on me was right after Emily was baptized and came out of the water.  She literally gave a cry for joy--a loud one!  Then for several minutes after she went in the dressing room, we continued to hear her cry and shout for joy.  She had waited so long for this day, and she was completely overcome in joy and gratitude.  It caused me to reflect on my own baptism and membership in the Church.  I so often take this great blessing in my life for granted.  It caused me think what my life would be like without it.  Thank you, Emily, for helping me to reflect and remember the great blessings I regularly enjoy because of my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  
Sister Tucker, Sister Olsen, Emily, and Elizabeth
Dad has expanded his photo bombing to baptisms now . . . pa, ha!
Elizabeth and I also had the privilege of attending the broadcast of the General Women Session of General Conference Saturday evening.  There were great talks on defending the home and family.  I'm so grateful for my knowledge of the sacred role of families--and for my special family.
If you didn't get to see it, here's the link.
The boys have their traditions for the Priesthood Session--which is next Saturday.  But Josh and Elizabeth will probably be in Utah next weekend.  Ty is in Texas.  And Dallin is in Peru.  So Dad will be alone next weekend for the first time in many, many years.  So he and Josh decided to do part of their tradition this week.  They picked up Sonic and watched some of the NCAA tournament games.

We are sooooo looking forward to General Conference weekend next week!
Are you ready?!  Are you prepared?!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Dallin's Pictures - March 23

This was our baptism Saturday. His name is Alex Primo, and it was awesome to see his baptism.  Elder Muruchi had to baptize him 3 times because his head and hair didn't get completely in, haha.
This is a fruit called Granadilla.  The texture is really weird but good--you just suck it up, haha.
Also, there are dogs called Perros Peruanos, or Peruvian dogs, that are the ugliest things I have seen.

Monday, March 16, 2015

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life of the Pages
Sunday, March 15th, 2015
Brian:  Collapsing after a long day of Ward Conference.
Kathy:  Working on our family's digital scrapbook.
Kathy:  I had already taken my 15th picture (above), but then I won the first game of Rummikub with Josh and Elizabeth . . . and I never win with them.  So I had to submit another picture! 
Ty: Eliza and I trying to recover from a few busy days of traveling.
Michelle: I was a speaker in church today. My topic was this verse of scripture.
Afton:  I joined other nursery kids in helping a nursery leader do push-ups. (Afton is in the yellow dress.)
Eliza:  I got a little too excited to get in the bath and forgot something.  Or maybe I was too groggy.
Josh:  I won the second game of Rummikub!
Elizabeth:  I won the third game of Rummikub!

Jayna:  I filled out all the paperwork for my new job that I start tomorrow!  And yes, that is my camp chair!  My new room didn't come with a chair to go with the desk, but I'm not complaining.  I love having a reason to use my camp chair! :) 

Dallin:  I'm leaving Villa Hermosa for Los Angeles.
I'm saying goodbye to Elder Ollerton.


Dallin's Pictures - March 16th

I said goodbye to Elder Ollerton and all the folks of Collique.
This is my new companion, Elder Muruchi,  He's from Bolivia.
And this is our room.


Also, our room has a sandwich maker--it is awesome!

This is my new area.  Its kinda big--but flat!
I think it might be the most flat area in the mission.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Bye Bye, Bug

Dallin, these first pictures are for you!
Jayna went out on a date with someone from Peru this week.  He brought her this candy bar.  Have you had any of these?

On Monday, Jayna received a job offer from a family practice in Orem, Utah.  She accepted, and they wanted her to start the following Monday.  So this was the last week we had Jayna home with us.  On Wednesday, we tried to go on one last hike together.  It had been really sunny here for almost a week.  We naturally assumed the trails would be fine.  But, unfortunately, there was still a lot of snow --and it was packed and very icy.  We tried--but finally had to turn around. 
This is Jayna being sad.

Thursday night, after most of the packing was done, we went to 7-Eleven for slurpees and then watched The Mockingjay, Part 1, from the Hunger Games.

And then Friday morning she was gone. Sniff, sniff.
Bye Bye Jayna Bug.  We will miss you!  But we are so proud of you and know you will do great in your new job!

On Saturday Dad and I got a chance to go snow shoeing one more time.  We went all the way up to Divide.  But it wasn't easy--it's hard to snow shoe when there's not very much snow!

So we took a more difficult path at a higher elevation and did great!

Stopping for snacks!

It was a beautiful, Colorado, blue-sky day,
and we had a great time!


Monday, March 9, 2015

Dallin's Pictures - March 9

So this is Ariana who got baptized. She is pretty cool!

Wednesday night was La Mistura which was like a big Linger Longer. It was great, but like normal, started almost 2 hours late.  So we had to leave early and they gave us a little bit of each dish.

Also it was the birthday of MamaChela.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

A is for Accomplishment!

There hasn't been much to blog about lately--at least not anything that has been picture-worthy. But here are a few accomplishments that are worth noting.
It's official--Jayna is a BYU-I graduate and a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA)!
Josh found out on Tuesday night he had been accepted to the Phoenix Campus at Northern Arizona University--his first choice!  Both he and Elizabeth were very excited!

And after 25 years of making scrapbooks, I am putting the last page together for December 2014.  I'm all caught up--it feels great!  In January I started putting our pictures in a digital scrapbook.  Each week and add and scrapbook the new pictures.  So hopefully I will NEVER get behind again!