Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Trip to Utah and Dad's Birthday

This is a little slow in coming . . . but here are a few pictures from my trip to Utah!
I flew over on Saturday, October 11th.
That evening I got to attend the baby blessing of Whitney and Richard's first son, Carter.



Sunday I went to Church with my Mom and Dad.
That evening we went to Laura's home for dinner.
Yummy tri-tip, Dustin!  Thank you!
Then the first part of the week I helped Mom paint her bathroom.
After buying 5 shower curtains, we finally decided on one that was pretty neutral and painted the bathroom tan, like the rest of the house.
Jim, Lesha, and the girls came over one evening.
Another evening Bruce and Shaunna came over so Bruce could hang the new shower rod.
On Thursday Laura, Jenni, and I headed down to Provo to have lunch with Krissy.

When we took Krissy back to her place, Laura told her it would be fun if we could spend some more time together . . . then she told her to go back a bag and come with us!  We had a hard time convincing Krissy this was for real!
Krissy coming down the stairs with her packed bag, with Karlee watching.

Krissy has no idea what's going on or where we're going!
We took Krissy back to Mom's house.  In the basement Mom and all the sisters-in-law were waiting and yelled "Surprise!" when Krissy came down.  It was a girls' surprise weekend to celebrate Krissy's 40th birthday! 

Krissy with all her surprises--mostly gag gifts!
Hmmmm.  A spa kit made with feminine napkins.  

A special bra that Laura gave to Kathy on her 40th birthday.
Now's it's Krissy's turn.  I wonder who will get it next?!

What?!  Tickets to Thriller tonight?!

And a VISA card Krissy can use while we go shopping and out to lunch.
(See, we know how to give good gifts, too!)

We went to see Thriller that evening.  I think everyone enjoyed it.  It was a little too creepy for me.  When the zombies started walking around before the performance, I knew I was in trouble!
But we had a little late-night fun!
All the sisters-in-law went home to sleep.
So the sisters had some fun with some toilet paper.  Bwhaha!

Lesha seemed to think we toilet papered her home that night.  So she showed up the next morning with a beautiful TP bow in her hair.  We denied it until the end.

We spent most of the day on Friday shopping and going out to eat.
Fun, fun, fun!
Dad drove over to Utah on Friday, and Jayna drove down from Rexburg.  Jayna stayed with us girls at Grandma's house and Dad stayed with Jeff and Karla.  On Saturday we all met up at JCWs with Dad's family.  Gladys had gotten Dad a birthday cake to share with everyone.

After lunch we did some shopping for Dad's birthday (he got a new pair of shoes) then headed back to the Applegates where we relaxed and watched the BYU football game.
Sunday morning we got to go to Allan's homecoming!  He did a great job and it was fun spending time with Dad's family again.

Then we traded cars with Jayna.  We drove home in her Focus and she drove back to Rexburg in the van.  We're hoping the van will handle the Rexburg snow better until she can get her Jeep.  And we're putting the Focus on Craigs List this weekend.
Monday, Dad's birthday, was a little crazy since we hadn't gotten back from Utah until about 11:30 p.m. Sunday night, and we were trying to get caught up and organized again.  But Josh took Dad golfing.  And we celebrated by going to Texas Roadhouse.  Yum.

The Texas Roadhouse crew sang to Dad and brought him a Sundae!

Opening presents at home.
A candy bar recipe book and candy dispenser from Ty and Michelle.
Very thoughtful--you know your Dad!

Tickets to Mannheim Steamrollers Christmas Concert from Mom.

Happy Birthday to the best Dad ever!  We love you!


  1. How fun! I can't believe I forgot Brian's birthday. Oh wait. It's still October. I'm not too late. Happy Birthday Brian. Good thing he celebrates it all month long.

    1. Bwhaha! I just read your comment to Brian. We all got a good laugh!

  2. I loved reading this and seeing the pictures! I'm so glad you had such a fun trip and that we have such great family on both sides!
