Sunday, June 22, 2014

I Love to See the Temple, I'm Going There Someday

Here are a couple pictures from Father's Day last Sunday.  Dad loved talking with each of you--and it goes without saying that he loved his steak dinner!

Because Father's Day was also our Stake Conference, Dad also loved getting to do something he NEVER gets to do anymore--enjoy a Sunday afternoon nap.

The Bishops dropped by Monday evening.
We couldn't believe how much Darren has grown
and had to get a picture of who was taller now--Dallin or Darren.
What do you think?

The sisters also came by Monday evening.
Both of them are getting transferred this week.
Dad was so bummed.
They have done an OUTSTANDING job with missionary work in our ward.

Dallin's back at work this week.  He leaves each morning between 4:30 and 5:30 a.m.--depending on the day.  He's actually working at Columbine High School right now.  He says it's a little weird working there--knowing what happened several years ago.  But here he is in all the gear he's required to wear every day.

Friday was a very special day. I wish all of you could have been here.  Dallin went through the temple to receive his own endowments.  For anyone who is not familiar with our church and temples, here is a great video you can watch.

Dallin went straight from work to the temple. He showered in the Annex and then waited for us arrive.  After a long week of work and not much sleep, this is how we found him!  :)

Pictures before going into the temple.

All of the Calls came to the temple to be with Dallin.
So after the temple, we made a visit to Steak N' Shake.  Yum!
Me, Dallin, Dad, Nicolette, Cecilia, Chip, and Kevin

1 comment:

  1. Kathy, I love your blog. That picture of you and Brian and Dallin and the sister missionaries in front of all of your scrapbooks is so inspiring. I'm so excited for Dallin going to the temple.

    I'll bet Columbine is sobering. Wow.
