Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Dallin's Pictures - December 7

 So this is the Christmas tree we made.  Woo hoo!
This was for Josh.  I put bells on the bottom of the tree.

We found a little mouse.

**This is Kathy.  We got this picture, along with this note, from Elizabeth's parents, who got it from some of their friends:
"We had missionary exchanges and new missionary arrivals/assignments here in Lima North Mission recently and ran into this really neat new missionary.  His name is Elder Page and he says he knows you guys pretty well; that his brother is married to Elizabeth.  Sound familiar?  He's doing well and we just wanted to pass his picture with us."

1 comment:

  1. I guess this will be Dallin's last set of emails and pictures since he will be dying of mouse diseases soon. Ick!!!
