A Day in the Life of the Pages
Thursday, October 15th, 2015
Brian: Validation. Even the BYU-I bookstore thinks I should celebrate my birthday all month long.
Kathy: Selfies with some of my favorite people!
Ty: Today I sent a Japanese student on her first solo flight in the T-6. I wasn't sure if she was going to be ready or not. She was and you should have seen the smile/pride on her face when she landed.
Michelle: I've started reading the Little House books to Afton and Eliza after they get in bed at night.
Afton: I started soccer today!!!
Eliza: Doctor chairs are fun. Mom missed the photo opportunity when I was spinning Afton around and we were laughing our heads off.
Kathryn: Good news is I slept until 8am. Bad news is I was up a lot before I ended up on the guest bed--which is why I was tired enough to sleep late.
Josh: Having fun at the pumpkin patch.
Elizabeth: Having fun at the pumpkin patch.
Jayna: I went shopping with Mom today and got some curtains and a new mirror for my room!
Dallin: The District.
I look forward to these all month!