Sunday, August 9, 2015

First Week in Rexburg!

I know it is Michelle and Ty's turn to blog this today--but I thought I would throw in an extra blog to catch you up on our move and new apartment!
Monday morning, before we left for Rexburg, Dad and I went on another bike ride.  It had rained quite a bit during the night.  So while we biked, we had to be careful not to run over any snails--they were everywhere!  (Afton, my snail picture is almost as good as yours!)

About 10:30 we left for Rexburg!
We got the keys for our new apartment, and Dad tried to get us set up for the internet.
We began what would be our daily trip to WalMart!
We spent the night in the AmericInn.

Tuesday was move-in day!

Can you see me behind the boxes?!

I know most people would think I'm crazy--
but I love finding a place for everything and getting organized!
Every day this week we spent organizing our apartment and getting settled.
Except for Friday--we took the day off.
We went to the temple . . . and it only took of 5 minutes to get there!
I am going to love being so close to the temple!
We also spent some time on campus finding Dad's office, getting our I-Cards, parking pass, etc.  It was funny because when I tried to get my I-Card, my name kept coming up as Kathryn Applegate--because I had been a student at Ricks.  So we had to go to the Records Office to get my name changed to Page.  We also took a nap and went to see the movie, Antman.  Dad really liked it.  I thought it was okay.  There were some funny parts--but all the ants really creeped me out!
Here are some pictures of our home sweet home! 
Front door.  The kitchen is off to the left--the living room to the right.

 I hadn't planned on putting our bookshelves in the dining area, but there was so much room in there that I didn't want to waste the space!
Dining room off the kitchen.
The door to the left of the bookshelves leads to the pantry and laundry room.  
Pantry and laundry room.


Living room.
Living room.
Living room.
Balcony off living room.

Looking off the balcony--you can see we are three floors up and where we are supposed to park our car.

 We are still trying to organize the second bedroom--which will be an office.
Office.  I think it's interesting they don't put doors on the closet.
Bedroom.  We barely had room to fit only one of our dressers.
Master closet.
The closet was a little small--so we bought this rack for our shoes!
This is Dad, Saturday night.  He keeps showing me his inbox that says "no mail."
He can't keep himself from smiling!
So far we love our apartment and our life!  It's still very quiet around us.  There are 12 units on each side of our building.  So far, there is no one living in the other 11 units on our side.  And the building across from us is still being finished--so no one is living there.  We know that will change.  But for now, we are enjoying the peace and quiet. 
We have a nice clubhouse and workout room, including a full gym.  There is also a Jacuzzi.  Dad and I used it on Thursday night--in hopes of easing the sore muscles in our backs!  It was funny--there were five other young people there.  They were probably wondering why old people were joining them!  Pa, ha!  And then the next day we got a notice from the office saying the Jacuzzi was closed that day for cleaning.  We were laughing saying they were probably cleaning it because there were old people in it the night before.  Bwhaha!
Our church is at 1:00 today.  We're excited to find out the dynamics of our ward!  We're wondering if there will be any young men or young men--or whether there will be 10 nurseries in the ward!  We'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kathy, I'm so glad you've posted this! I've been trying to imagine your new set-up and world. It sounds wonderful. It sounds like a new life, a time for regrouping and re-imagining! I hope you enjoy this brief downtime before the secret is out that you're there and oh, so capable and needed.
