Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Month of June

Here's some highlights for the month of June!

Our cute neighbors, Eva and Nick, often knock on our door and ask if we can play, give us hugs, and bring me flowers they've picked.  So we invited them over for Family Home Evening one night.  We made shmores and played soccer.

Nick would run over and stand right by Dad and say, "We are the blue team!"

Hayden got his mission call!
He's going to the Texas McAllen Mission--Spanish speaking!
It's official!  We have a contract on our home.  We're hoping to close July 29th.

Girls Camp!  Fairfax young women and their leaders are the best!  I came up with Dad on Tuesday and we did Family Home Evening together with our girls.  Dad brought me home Wednesday morning and went back again that evening--where he stayed for the rest of the week.

The camp was at Camp Firewalker.  Dad and I reminisced about all the camps we have attended there.  We will really miss this beautiful place and are grateful for all the great experiences we've had with the youth of our stake.

Jayna got to come home for her birthday weekend!
We had so much fun--but I won't blog about it since she did.

But I just had to show this one again--because it makes me laugh!

This is Jayna trying to get out of bed Sunday morning after getting sunburned on her date the day before!

We had a major hail storm the Sunday Jayna was here.
The hail was huge!  It destroyed our trees and flowers!

Sister Tucker is leaving us!  We are so grateful for her service to our ward!
Dad and I celebrated the Fourth on the third.
We started with an early-morning hike at Seven Bridges.
Bridge #1
Bridge #2

Bridge #3

Bridge #4

Bridge #5

Bridge #6

Bridge #7

We've hiked Seven Bridges a few times.  But today we wanted to continue on to Jones Park--which was supposed to be two miles out.
There were beautiful waterfalls all along the path.

There were some very steep parts!  We ended up gaining over 2,200 feet in elevation.

I did it!

Beautiful views!  You can see Colorado Springs in the background.

After hiking up those barren hills, we entered the forest again--and it was so beautiful!  There were several trails--and it wasn't quite clear if we were on the correct path to get to Jones Park.  We hiked about a half mile past where we thought it should be.  We kept going--thinking it might be just around the next hill or corner.  But finally, at one point, after hiking 3.14 miles, we determined we were not on the right path and headed back.
What the heck?!  Where is Jones Park?!

Regardless, it was one of the most beautiful hikes I've been on.  I wish we had time to go back and do it again.
We enjoyed a burger at Five Guys on the way home, and Dad talked me into going to Jurassic World in the afternoon.  Not a big fan of waiting for dinosaurs to jump out and eat something--especially people!  :)
It was a fun day--and we enjoyed a good work day on the Fourth.
We hope you all enjoyed your Fourth, too!  So grateful for this wonderful country.  And so grateful for people like you, Ty, who devote their lives to defending our freedoms.  Thank you!  And thank you to Michelle, Afton, Eliza, and Kathryn, for the sacrifices you make as the wife and children of an exceptional serviceman. 

1 comment:

  1. Your hike sounds wonderful. It's hard to believe you're doing "last time" things.

    I'm so glad about your house sale. It's really real.
