Sunday, June 7, 2015

It's Official. We're Seniors.

Since getting back from Mississippi, there's not been a lot to blog about!
Dad has started getting Friday afternoons off for the summer--so we've enjoyed joining the "senior crowd" for afternoon movies and dinner.  I guess it's official . . . we really are seniors now.  Sigh.
This past Friday Dad was supposed to start the process of getting an implant.  Here he is in the chair at the oral surgeon's office waiting for the doctor to come in.  But because of some miscommunication regarding the procedure, he ended up not having it done that day.  So we suddenly found ourselves with another free afternoon . . . and took off for lunch and a movie!  :)  Because we can!
The other thing that has kept us busy is getting the house and yard in shape.
As requested, here are some pictures of both.
Feel free to oooh and aaaah over Dad's $5 lawn.
We didn't want Appeline to get lonely, so we got her a friend.
Meet Barry, the bush.



And here's some pictures of the house.

Josh and Elizabeth, we though you'd appreciate the nice, new, clean stairs.  Too bad you couldn't enjoy them while you were here! 

This is all leftover stuff we are planning to put in storage.

Love and miss you all!
Michelle and Ty, it's your turn next week!


  1. Ohhhhhh, I love it when you post. It was fun to see your beautiful yard and home. I'm glad you put pictures up. Joining life with "the seniors" made me smile. It's not so bad, is it?!
