Sunday, March 29, 2015

Baptisms and Basketball

Yesterday was a special day.  Emily Keltner, who is one of Elizabeth's Laurels and is also in my Sunday School class, was baptized.  I was truly touched by the service.  Elizabeth gave a talk on the Holy Ghost--which was really wonderful.  But I think the part that left the deepest impression on me was right after Emily was baptized and came out of the water.  She literally gave a cry for joy--a loud one!  Then for several minutes after she went in the dressing room, we continued to hear her cry and shout for joy.  She had waited so long for this day, and she was completely overcome in joy and gratitude.  It caused me to reflect on my own baptism and membership in the Church.  I so often take this great blessing in my life for granted.  It caused me think what my life would be like without it.  Thank you, Emily, for helping me to reflect and remember the great blessings I regularly enjoy because of my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  
Sister Tucker, Sister Olsen, Emily, and Elizabeth
Dad has expanded his photo bombing to baptisms now . . . pa, ha!
Elizabeth and I also had the privilege of attending the broadcast of the General Women Session of General Conference Saturday evening.  There were great talks on defending the home and family.  I'm so grateful for my knowledge of the sacred role of families--and for my special family.
If you didn't get to see it, here's the link.
The boys have their traditions for the Priesthood Session--which is next Saturday.  But Josh and Elizabeth will probably be in Utah next weekend.  Ty is in Texas.  And Dallin is in Peru.  So Dad will be alone next weekend for the first time in many, many years.  So he and Josh decided to do part of their tradition this week.  They picked up Sonic and watched some of the NCAA tournament games.

We are sooooo looking forward to General Conference weekend next week!
Are you ready?!  Are you prepared?!

1 comment:

  1. So ready . . . and preparing! I loved the conference last night. I also love reading your blog, your traditions, and seeing what your family is doing.
