Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!
Dad and I celebrated the coming new year by going to bed early!
Actually, we had our traditional get together with Pam and Doug Jarvis.  We've gone out to a movie and an early dinner with them on New Years Eve for probably ten years or more.  There wasn't a good movie we wanted to see this year, so we ended up just having an early dinner at Texas Roadhouse . . . yum!
But New Years Day was the day everyone looks forward to in our home . . . taking down the Christmas decorations!  Dad got up early and got a jump start on the daunting task.
Ty and Dallin, I bet looking at all these boxes makes you glad you weren't here this year!

Josh took a break part way through to make us all omelets.

Elizabeth and the tree are at war.

Proof:  Jayna is holding the clipboard.

Jayna snuck this picture.  She wanted to make it clear that I was actually holding the clipboard most of the time!

Elizabeth had to leave the fun early to go to work.  Josh thought it would be romantic to get a picture in the snow before she left. 

Let's hear it for 2015!  Lots of good things to come.
And here's a great Mormon Message to get you started in the right direction:

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