Sunday, January 25, 2015

Love the Colorado Snow!

 This has become a Sunday night tradition--playing a few rounds of Phase 10.

Jayna decided she wanted to learn how to knit--so she got a book and taught herself.  After she finished a few rows, she declared, "I'm basically a grandma now."

On Saturday, we went snow shoeing with the McKeans at Horsethief Falls trail and had a wonderful time.  Jayna was excited to go snow shoeing for the first time.  Dad was happy to go--but mostly because he knew I wanted to go.  But by the time we were done, he said, "I love this!"  I think we found a new hobby we can do together!
We are actually standing on the frozen falls right here.  There was ice beneath the snow.  And if you listened carefully, you could hear the water running underneath.

This was steeper than it looks!

We found some teepees off the path.

After we hiked the falls, we went over into a beautiful valley.

You gotta love Colorado in the winter!


Monday, January 19, 2015

Dallin's Pictures - January 19th

My bag finally arrived! Woo hoo!
This is the skin of a rabbit. Unfortunately I didnt have the opportunity to eat it--it was for the other Elders in our district, but still pretty cool haha.

We baptized Erick!! He is so awesome! He is so smart and remembers everything.  It was a great day!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Here are pictures from the last two weeks.
After 30 years of hand-made scrapbooks, Mom is going digital! 
I decided that I would keep doing scrapbooks the same way until Dallin graduated from high school.  That happened in 2014.  So beginning January 2015, I am now doing scrapbooks online.  I'm hoping it will be a little less time consuming.  We'll see!
We had some really cold days in the past two weeks.  One day it was so cold, and the ice on the cars was so thick, that Elizabeth had me open the garage door so she could bring her car in and scrape it there.

Dad had stake meetings from 6:00-10:30 on Thursday night.  When Dad was on his way home from work, Todd Anderson (Challenger CEO) texted me and told me to let him know when Dad had left for his meetings.  After Dad left, Todd texted me and told me to open the garage.  I did--and Brian Bahr (Challenger Owner) drove a 2014 Jeep Cherokee into our garage!  Dad is now the owner of a company car.  He was more than a little surprised when he got home late that night.

Going for a test drive with everyone.

Checking out the car.

After studying hard all week long, Jayna took the CMA test on Saturday.
The "before" picture.

The "after" picture.
She did it!  She is now an official Certified Medical Assistant!
Next step:  Find a job.

Dallin, I put took this picture specifically for you.
Brother Goss and Thomas talked in our sacrament meeting today.
They both did a great job and said to tell you hi!
Thomas's farewell is on February 22nd.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

A Day in the Life

It's 2015, so our "Day in the Life" pictures will now be taken on the 15th of each month!
Here's what happened on January, 15th, 2015.
Brian:  A regular, hectic day at work.
Kathy:  Every day is a great day when you get to go to the temple.
Ty:  Practicing in the simulator.
Michelle:  There MIGHT come a day when I wish this phase of bedtime snuggling away, but I seriously doubt it.

Afton: Maybe I need a jogging stroller.
Eliza:  I discovered my shadow tonight (mom's flash made it disappear), but I was much more brave about it than when Afton discovered hers. 
Josh:  So much paperwork and filing at work!
Elizabeth:  Enjoying my day off reading a book!
Jayna:  This is where I have been all week while studying for the CMA exam.


 Dallin:  I've resorted to teaching the dogs. 


Monday, January 12, 2015

Dallin's Pictures - January 12

 A bag of chips--rotissary chicken chips, haha!


This is a chupete, it's a popsicle.  This one is chocolate, but they are usually fruit.  They're pretty good and cheap.

Teaching some dogs.

My birthday.  Momachela, my pensionista, and her family made the cake.

We had eggs and flour and cake and water thrown everywhere. Smashing an egg is birthday tradition here haha.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Happy Birthday, Dallin!

Happy Birthday, Dallin!  We love you!
Mom and Dad
Happy Birthday, Dallin!  We tried . . . the other two signs say, "We love you" and "Uncle Dallin had a birthday."
Happy Birthday, Dallin!
Josh and Elizabeth

Happy Birthday, Choncho!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Dallin's Pictures - January 5

I got your packages! thanks!!! I've been sharing with the zone and families.  You guys want me to get more fat? haha But really, thanks for your notes and everything!

I got banana bread for my birthday because we had interviews with the President this week.