Sunday, September 14, 2014

Two Weeks Overdue

I haven't posted anything for two weeks--so here you go!
The bishopric were challenged by MJ Melton to do the ice bucket challenge.
So on Sunday, August 31st, Dad and his counselors gathered in our back yard and did it!  This is what they looked like when they were done.  Then Dad challenged our new Elders Quorum Presidency, Brother Call challenged our new Sunday School Presidency, and Brother Mitchell challenged our Deacons Quorum Presidency.


On Thursday, September 4th, Dad and I went to the Cherry Hills Country Club in Denver to watch the Pro Golf FedEx Cup Playoffs.  It was a lot of fun!  It made me want to take up golfing!
Dad with his ticket to get in and which authorized us to get free food!

That is me below the second "the."
On the 15th hole watching Phil Mickelson.
When Jayna got back from Mississippi, she decided to make a quilt with all her t-shirts.  She basically worked on it for only three days!

And look how great it turned out!!!

Look who got here Tuesday night, September 9th!!!
We're so excited for Josh and Elizabeth to be living in Colorado Springs for the next year!
And we were very sad to see Jayna leave on Thursday to go back to Idaho.

We named Saturday our "DeDallification Day."  We cleaned the house, we cleaned cars, moved furniture around, and got rid of a lot of things.  Thanks to some tutoring from Elizabeth, I became a craigslist pro.  I listed and sold some things all in the same day!
Here is Josh and Elizabeth moving the entertainment center from the basement to the garage . . . where it is still sitting.  Any buyers?


1 comment:

  1. I've missed your posts. So glad you wrote.

    I love your "DeDallification" day. Ha. I also love the feeling of getting things rearranged, organized, and hauled off.
