Sunday, June 1, 2014

Weekly Report

It was fun having all of you join us last Sunday for Dallin's "This Is Your Life--The Finale!"--even if it was over Facetime.

Jayna's on the couch, Michelle and Ty (and later, a very sleepy Afton) joined us on Jayna's phone, and Josh and Elizabeth were with us on the computer.

Dallin was meant to be a King.

Jayna left us on Wednesday morning.  Sad.
Hugs goodbye in the house.

Hugs goodbye outside.

Getting into the car.

And driving away.  Good luck Jayna!
We know you'll have an amazing experience as a counselor at AFY!

Wednesday evening we had another Hamburger Extravaganza.  This one was huge!  It was to celebrate Zach Call, Chris Porter, and Kaylie Dixon's mission calls--so all the Priests, Teachers, Mia Maids, and Laurels came.  Kevin Call brought his grill to help cook.  We think we had 43 people there.

Dallin spent some time with the missionaries on Saturday.  He played basketball with the Northgate missionaries.  And then he went on a visit with the sister missionaries from our ward.  Dallin was called to be a Family History consultant/ward missionary.  Here he is preparing with the sister missionaries to go teach a family. 

I think you all know that Dallin got a job working for Meridian Fire up in Denver.  But this week he is working a few hours away near Nebraska.  He will be gone all week.  So Dad and I will get a taste of what it is like to be empty nesters!  

1 comment:

  1. Kathy, I love to read about things going on in your world. It's like a pep talk of all the good that can be done. Thank you.
