Sunday, June 22, 2014

I Love to See the Temple, I'm Going There Someday

Here are a couple pictures from Father's Day last Sunday.  Dad loved talking with each of you--and it goes without saying that he loved his steak dinner!

Because Father's Day was also our Stake Conference, Dad also loved getting to do something he NEVER gets to do anymore--enjoy a Sunday afternoon nap.

The Bishops dropped by Monday evening.
We couldn't believe how much Darren has grown
and had to get a picture of who was taller now--Dallin or Darren.
What do you think?

The sisters also came by Monday evening.
Both of them are getting transferred this week.
Dad was so bummed.
They have done an OUTSTANDING job with missionary work in our ward.

Dallin's back at work this week.  He leaves each morning between 4:30 and 5:30 a.m.--depending on the day.  He's actually working at Columbine High School right now.  He says it's a little weird working there--knowing what happened several years ago.  But here he is in all the gear he's required to wear every day.

Friday was a very special day. I wish all of you could have been here.  Dallin went through the temple to receive his own endowments.  For anyone who is not familiar with our church and temples, here is a great video you can watch.

Dallin went straight from work to the temple. He showered in the Annex and then waited for us arrive.  After a long week of work and not much sleep, this is how we found him!  :)

Pictures before going into the temple.

All of the Calls came to the temple to be with Dallin.
So after the temple, we made a visit to Steak N' Shake.  Yum!
Me, Dallin, Dad, Nicolette, Cecilia, Chip, and Kevin

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

Today is Father's Day.
I am grateful for all the fathers in my life.

I am grateful for such a wonderful husband who has been an outstanding father to all our children.  Even though he is very successful in his career, he says that the only thing he has ever wanted to be is a father.  

I am grateful for my father.  He has been such a blessing my life.
I believe I got my love for the scriptures and teaching from him.  And I don't know anyone who has a greater desire to help and be of service to others as him.

And I am grateful for Brian's father.  I believe it is through his example that Brian learned to be the kind and compassionate father he is today.

I am grateful for Ty, who is the outstanding father of my two beautiful granddaughters.  He is a devoted father who, even though very busy, makes it a priority to spend quality time with his girls.

And I am grateful for the perfect Father, my Heavenly Father.  I know He is real.  I know He loves me.  And I know He hears and answers my prayers.

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life of the Pages

Dallin:  Finishing up a week at Aaron's Camp with the Camp Director, Mom, and the Eleven.  (Dallin is in the top row, second from the right.)

Jayna:  Today I enjoyed getting to bed at a decent hour after my first week of AFY.
Also, here is a picture of my blister!

Joshua:  Hiking the smokies in Tennessee.

Elizabeth:  Touring the botanical gardens in Knoxville Tennessee with Nick, a convert, when I served my mission here.  The umbrellas didn't do us any good.  It was pouring rain, and we got soaked!

Ty:  Michelle cut her fingers a few times about a month ago.  So I often come home to this sight.  Now I do all of the knife washing.

Michelle:  Four things can be deduced from this picture.  1. I babysat today (the pictured child is not mine). 2. My children took naps at the same time today, but not at the same time as the aforementioned child (they are not in the pool). 3.We had a long winter in Mississippi (my white legs have not yet recovered). 4. A few weeks ago on a Sunday morning, I hurriedly painted only the toes that show with the shoes I wore that day.

Afton:  This was my first camping trip.  I helped pack us into our camp (only a few hundred yards) and learned that I don't like Smores!

Eliza:  I love standing up now!  Hopefully I'll be taking steps soon.

Kathy:  I had a wonderful week, with these wonderful ladies, cooking for 260 people at Aaron's Camp!  And yes, those are brownies on the table . . . for breakfast.  

Brian:  After being at Aaron's Camp all week, I came home, took a shower, and then was off to the church for Stake Conference meetings from 3:00-9:00!

Because We Can

With the craziness last weekend, and then Aaron's Camp this past week, I didn't get a chance to post pictures and let you know what was happening in our world a week ago . . . so here it is.

Dallin started a new job!  He had to buy these new work boots in preparation for working for Meridian Fire in Denver.  But his first week on the job he got sent to Otis Colorado to install fire alarms in an elementary school.  He was gone all week.  He said they got in about 60 hours in four days.  They worked really hard, and Dallin said it felt good.

So, while Dallin was gone, Dad and I got our first taste of what it will be like to be empty nesters.  We came up with our new motto: "Because we can."  Monday evening we ate cold cereal for dinner and watched Captain America for Family Home Evening . . . because we can.  All week long we would say, "Let's do that . . . because we can!"  It was a fun week . . . for a week.  But by the end, we were ready for Dallin to come home.  So after Dallin leaves on his mission, I guess you kids will have to take turns visiting us!

Dallin got home just in time to shower and then head up to the Denver Temple with us.  The youth in our ward did baptisms for the dead.
There were a couple things that made this particular trip special.  I was able to be baptized for five deceased family members, and Dad baptized me.  Dallin was able to be baptized for fifteen deceased family members.  And since Chip, Dallin's good friend, went through the temple for his own endowments last Saturday, he was able to baptize Dallin.  I wish I could have had a picture of the two of them in the font together.  It was one of those things you will never forget.  

Dad, me, and Dallin
Chip, Marc Phillips (Dallin's Young Men leader), Dallin, and Chris Porter

Saturday, Dallin and the Young Men leaders--and I along with the camp cooks, made a trip up to Camp Firewalker to prepare for Aaron's Camp the following week.  We had the young men help us unload the first shipment of food.

Dallin carrying out one of the most important items . . . Oreo cookies!

Dallin and some of the leaders eating lunch and discussing plans.

One of the things they did was put in a slab of cement on which they could place a generator.

The camp cooks--stocking all the shelves, refrigerators, and freezers!
Lynnel, Jean, me, Stephanie, and Shyrlene

Once we got back from Firewalker, we went to a pot luck dinner at the Church.  The Smiths, who used to live in our ward but moved to Singapore last year, were here for a visit.  Ike Smith and Dallin are good friends--so it was a fun reunion!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Savior Wants to Forgive

I love this video with its powerful message.
Sin is real.  Repentance is real.  Forgiveness is real.
Our Savior's love is real.

Weekly Report

It was fun having all of you join us last Sunday for Dallin's "This Is Your Life--The Finale!"--even if it was over Facetime.

Jayna's on the couch, Michelle and Ty (and later, a very sleepy Afton) joined us on Jayna's phone, and Josh and Elizabeth were with us on the computer.

Dallin was meant to be a King.

Jayna left us on Wednesday morning.  Sad.
Hugs goodbye in the house.

Hugs goodbye outside.

Getting into the car.

And driving away.  Good luck Jayna!
We know you'll have an amazing experience as a counselor at AFY!

Wednesday evening we had another Hamburger Extravaganza.  This one was huge!  It was to celebrate Zach Call, Chris Porter, and Kaylie Dixon's mission calls--so all the Priests, Teachers, Mia Maids, and Laurels came.  Kevin Call brought his grill to help cook.  We think we had 43 people there.

Dallin spent some time with the missionaries on Saturday.  He played basketball with the Northgate missionaries.  And then he went on a visit with the sister missionaries from our ward.  Dallin was called to be a Family History consultant/ward missionary.  Here he is preparing with the sister missionaries to go teach a family. 

I think you all know that Dallin got a job working for Meridian Fire up in Denver.  But this week he is working a few hours away near Nebraska.  He will be gone all week.  So Dad and I will get a taste of what it is like to be empty nesters!