Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Day in the Life of the Pages - April 14, 2014

One of my favorite friends, who just happens to be Michelle's mother-in-law, is an expert blogger.  She does something on her blog that I just love--and I asked her permission to copy.  Thank you, Jane!  Once a month, everyone in their family sends a picture of what they are doing that day--which Jane adds to her blog.  It's a great a way to document some of the more ordinary events in everyone's lives and to watch a family grow from month to month.  So . . . here are some pictures of our family from Monday, April 14th.  Since this is 2014, I decided that collecting pictures on the 14th of each month makes it easier to remember.  And I have decided to title this monthly post,

"A Day in the Life of the Pages"

Brian:  Preparing for an Air Force Academy LDS Retreat presentation for this coming Saturday.

Kathy:  Working on eating my veggies.  I found another way to prepare string beans that I like!

Michelle:  My favorite thing to make for dinner . . . leftovers.

Ty:  Having a modified picnic for family night in the garage (it’s been pouring all day today).

Afton:  We learned about our bodies in family night.  We did lots of things with our bodies: clean and jerks, somersaults, squats, pushups, rode bikes, and even a special “bum exercise” that I made up.

Eliza:  I learned how to sit up today!

Josh:  Starting to pack boxes in preparation for changing apartments this week.
Elizabeth:  Working at David's Bridal in Idaho Falls.
Jayna:  After driving all day, it's great to be home for a few weeks!

Dallin:  I got my Peru flag and t-shirt in the mail!


  1. This was so fun to see everyone's pictures! Love you all!

  2. Oh man! I LOVE seeing your day-in-the-life-of-pages. So glad you're blogging publicly so that I can read and learn and enjoy. Thank you.

  3. Thanks for the inspiration, Jane!
