Monday, April 28, 2014

The Fence

Our backyard fence is connected to a prominent family memory . . . you kids staining the fence during the summer to earn money for middle school High Trails camp.  Maybe our grandkids can come spend a week with us each summer to continue the tradition!

But one side of our backyard fence has been a bit wobbly for about year.
Then a few strong gusts of wind a couple weeks ago pushed it over the edge. :)


So Saturday our job was work with the Shepherds and remove four cemented fence posts.
Dallin even felt well enough to come out and help--
which might explain his swollen cheeks later that night!

Removing cemented posts is harder than you think--
especially when tree roots are wrapped all around them!

Dad--our very own superhero!

Besides working on the fence, Jayna took on the task of sanding our steps.
I find it interesting that Jayna loves power tools!

And when she was done, she was covered in sawdust . . . literally covered.

Wisdom Teeth and a Baptism

Friday, April 25th, Dallin got his wisdom teeth out.
Everything went well.  He really didn't have any swelling until Saturday night.
He was pretty swollen on Sunday--and he had to speak in three different wards and lead a two-hour Aaron's Camp meeting!

Saturday evening one of Dallin's friends, Hayden, was baptized.
Dallin gave the opening prayer.
Chip, Hayden, Dallin

Senior Breakfast

Wednesday, April 23rd, was Dallin's Senior Breakfast.
We sat at the same table as Dallin's friends and their parents.
Caleb, Dallin Mike, AJg

The boys with Allyson.

Dad capped Dallin.

Dad tried to see how many times he could successfully photo bomb a picture!
Chris, AJ, and Brian . . . and Brian.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!
You're never too old for the Easter bunny!

Dallin thinks the Easter bunny should hide eggs--no matter how old you are!

Jayna disagrees.
She gets frustrated when she can't find all her eggs!
And these two eggs she spotted in the birdhouse seem to be stuck!

"Maybe I can find more eggs if I look over the room from a different angle!"

Easter dinner.

Ham . . . Jayna's favorite--and a nice reward after that exhausting egg hunt!

Post dinner bonding time for siblings.

Michelle, Ty, Josh, and Elizabeth--it was fun talking to you and seeing some of the Easter traditions you have started in your own families.  And Michelle, we wish we could have been there to hear you sing your solo in Church.  We love you--especially on this sacred day when we reflect on the resurrection of our Savior and feel gratitude to Him for making it possible for families to be together forever.


As a senior, Dallin decided he wanted to go to Prom one last time.
I think it was just an excuse for him to buy a vest to match his suit.  :)

"I look gooooood!"

Brother and sister.

Dallin went with a group of good friends.
They took pictures at the Air Force Academy.

 Mike, Chip, and Dallin

The seniors--signaling 14, as in the graduating class of 2014.
Mike, Chip, Allyson, and Dallin

Chip and Dallin with the girls they really love . . . their sisters.

To make it more fun ,the group had a progressive dinner before the dance.
They went to three different houses for appetizers, main course, and desserts.
The main course was at our home.

Dallin woke us up when he got home.  We talked for a minute, asked him if he had a good time, then said we would talk more about the details in the morning.  Sunday morning Dallin had to attend six other wards to talk to the young men about Aaron's Camp.  Again, I asked some general questions, but said we would have more time to talk at dinner and then he could tell Dad and I all about it.  So, at dinner, we finally got to drill Dallin with all our questions.  We talked for awhile, and after I thought we had pretty much covered everything, Dallin hesitantly said, "Oh yeh, one more thing. I was named Prom King, too."  We were like, what?!  He again said he was Prom King and that he had a sash and crown downstairs in his room.  I told him he had to put it on so I could take a picture.  He said there was no way that was happening!  So the rest of us took turns wearing his crown and taking pictures.  Pa, ha! 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

I Can Do Hard Things

All you kids know how much I love the phrase, "I Can Do Hard Things."
I even put it on one of our bedroom walls!

So when Dad and I were asked to speak at a retreat for LDS Air Force Cadets this weekend--and were told we could speak about anything we wanted, we chose to speak on the topic of "I Can Do Hard Things."  Shocking, I know.  But we felt it was a good topic because the cadets are doing hard things all the time.

Thanks to lots of great ideas from Ty and Michelle, we tried to make it more interactive, so here are a couple pictures of some of the cadets reviewing scripture stories and identifying principles that help us to do hard things.  (Jayna came with us--bottom left corner.)

Interestingly enough, especially for me, it was a "hard thing" to prepare.  Between traveling, sickness, and back problems, it was a challenging assignment.  But as I studied the scripture stories and identified principles that help us to do hard things--then applied those principles to my circumstances, I found strength and help in fulfilling this assignment with Dad.

Here are some principles I want to share with you.

Faith and trust in the Lord are at the heart of doing hard things.
The ability to qualify for and receive personal revelation gives us confidence to do hard things.
Our knowledge and testimony of eternal truths strengthens us to do hard things.
By making good choices, there are a lot of hard things we will never have to do.
In contrast, there are a lot of hard things we need to choose to do.
Doing hard things prepares us for challenges in the future.
A positive, can-do attitude is a catalyst for doing hard things.
When confronted with hard things, we need to act.
There is purpose in doing hard things.  It is a chance for the Lord to tutor us.
Sometimes it's the easiest things that are the hardest to do.
When you obey with exactness, it give you courage to do hard things.
I need to do the hard things--no matter the consequences.
When we love and serve others, it brings perspective and relief in the midst of hard things.
We need to have a continuous attitude of gratitude as we go though hard things.
At the same time we face hard things and feel sadness because of it, we can simultaneously feel peace and joy.
We don't have to do hard things all on our own.  The power of the Lord is available to help us.
The making and keeping of covenants gives us access to the power of Christ's Atonement--which is the ultimate source of strength and help in doing hard things.

Those were just a few of the principles we identified in various scripture stories.  They helped me--and I hope that as each of you go through the challenges and trials that are unique to you and your family, that they will be a source of strength for you, too.  And I would encourage you, as you do your own personal scripture study, to look for additional doctrines and principles that help you hard things.  Here's a favorite quote we used at the end of the retreat:

Elder Neal A. Maxwell said, "The Lord will not make it easy, because He loves us too much.  And if we desire to be like his son, Jesus Christ, we must then submit to those experiences which will help us move in that direction.  There is no easy escalator that will take us there.  There are no shortcuts!  In an hundred ways that could be mentioned if there were time and voice, He has beckoned us to become like Him because He loves us, and that love is too pure for Him to let us cut corners."
(The Education of Our Desires, January 5, 1983)

I want you kids to always know that in the strength of the Lord, you can do all things--especially the hard ones.  Love, Mom

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Because of Him

I'm so grateful for this Easter season and the time it gives us to reflect more deeply on the life, mission, and Atonement of our Savior.  I want you kids to know how much I love my Savior and how grateful I am that #BecauseOfHim we can all be together forever as a family.  I love you.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Day in the Life of the Pages - April 14, 2014

One of my favorite friends, who just happens to be Michelle's mother-in-law, is an expert blogger.  She does something on her blog that I just love--and I asked her permission to copy.  Thank you, Jane!  Once a month, everyone in their family sends a picture of what they are doing that day--which Jane adds to her blog.  It's a great a way to document some of the more ordinary events in everyone's lives and to watch a family grow from month to month.  So . . . here are some pictures of our family from Monday, April 14th.  Since this is 2014, I decided that collecting pictures on the 14th of each month makes it easier to remember.  And I have decided to title this monthly post,

"A Day in the Life of the Pages"

Brian:  Preparing for an Air Force Academy LDS Retreat presentation for this coming Saturday.

Kathy:  Working on eating my veggies.  I found another way to prepare string beans that I like!

Michelle:  My favorite thing to make for dinner . . . leftovers.

Ty:  Having a modified picnic for family night in the garage (it’s been pouring all day today).

Afton:  We learned about our bodies in family night.  We did lots of things with our bodies: clean and jerks, somersaults, squats, pushups, rode bikes, and even a special “bum exercise” that I made up.

Eliza:  I learned how to sit up today!

Josh:  Starting to pack boxes in preparation for changing apartments this week.
Elizabeth:  Working at David's Bridal in Idaho Falls.
Jayna:  After driving all day, it's great to be home for a few weeks!

Dallin:  I got my Peru flag and t-shirt in the mail!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Jayna's Graduation

On Wednesday, April 9th, we flew to Salt Lake City.

That evening, Jenni made yummy cinnamon rolls
and invited everyone from my side of the family to come over and visit.

The younger cousins can spot a nice older cousin a mile away!
Dallin spent most of the evening playing with the kids in the playroom!

Jason, Ashlin, Addie, and Livvy.

It's so much fun gathering as siblings and having the chance to catch up!

The next morning we had the opportunity to see Justin Page, Brian's brother's son, get married for time and all eternity to his sweetheart, Audrey, in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple.

The wedding lunch.
Dallin, Teresa, Brian, Grandpa Grant, and Grandma Gladys

At the reception that night, we got a picture of Dad with all his siblings and parents.

Here they are in their birth order.
Teresa, Karen, Karla, Greg, Brian, Jeannette, and Courtland

The next morning, Friday, we were on our way to Rexburg, Idaho!
As soon as the boys meet, wrestling ensues.  Every time.

Elizabeth made a very yummy enchilada lunch for all of us--
and the best chocolate chip cookies ever!  We were stuffed!

Then it was time for Jayna's graduation!
She graduated with her Associates Degree in Medical Assisting.
We are so very proud of her and can't believe she actually enjoys giving shots!

Jayna's good friend, Amy Bluder, also graduated in Medical Assisting.

Amy and Jayna--the High School Musical picture.

Walking across the stage at Convocation.
You can see Amy on the left and Jayna on the right.

Our little girl's all grown up and graduated!

After graduation, we celebrated at Applebees with half price appetizers!

Jayna opening her cards.


Dallin enjoying two drinks at the same time! 

The next day, Saturday, we enjoyed spending time together. 

No surprise, the boys wanted to play basketball.
Just so you know, Ty, Dallin won the first game.  Josh won the next two games.  Dallin won the fourth.  And it went down to the wire on the fifth . . . with Josh getting the win.  While the boys were playing basketball, Mom helped Jayna finish up some cleaning in her apartment.

Josh and Elizabeth said we needed to have lunch at the Taco Bus.
It was literally a bus--with really yummy Mexican food!

Piggy back rides in downtown Rexburg!

We didn't have a lot of time before Josh and Elizabeth had to go to work,
so we decided to play a game of laser tag.  

Our team was yellow.  See the bar graph?  We won!
Master laser taggers!

After getting off work, Elizabeth brought pizza and games to our hotel.
We played several rounds of Rummikub.
No one is better at Rummikub than Elizabeth--including you, Ty!
Josh got held up at work, but joined us at the end.


Then all the people under 25 hit the pool and hot tub.
All the people over 25 went to bed!

The next morning we went to Church with Josh and Elizabeth then drove to the Salt Lake airport and flew home!  It was a wonderful weekend.  We love you all and wish that Ty, Michelle, and the girls could have been with us.  We missed you!