Saturday, March 21, 2020

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life of the Pages
Friday, March 20th, 2020

Things got crazy in March because of the Coronavirus.
So the adults included a favorite meme, along with their picture!

Brian:  Because of the Coronavirus, all BYU-I classes have been moved online.  
So I get to teach class in our home.

Kathy:  Since we have to stay home, we're getting lots of organizing projects done!  This is all the stuff that will be heading to Deseret Industries!


 Ty:  I taught the kids about bike maintenance this week.
We successfully changed Afton's flat tire.


Michelle:  Dreaming about what almost was.

Afton:  I love when Calvin snuggles with me.

Eliza:  Enjoying PE with Coach Dad.
We went on a hike and completed several challenges.

Kathryn:  My preschool teacher sent me some supplies to help me learn about the letter S.

Calvin:  The result of one of my many tantrums.

Josh:  Couples yoga for date night!


Elizabeth:  Today we participated in a chalk festival.  Everyone in our neighborhood drew pictures to bring joy to everyone, and then we got to drive around and look at everyone else's.  

Layla:  Today I practiced my ABCs.
I miss preschool, but Mom is doing an ok job I guess.

Ellie:  My first time dunking Oreos!  I'm a natural.

Joseph:  This is now where I spend at least 9 hours of my day, nice setup eh?

Jayna:  I look forward all week to my Friday afternoon nap.

Dallin:  Figuring out how to do online classes with such a great view!

Courtney:  Corona can't stop me from killing some weeds!

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