Saturday, January 19, 2019

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life of the Pages
Saturday, January 19th, 2019

Brian:  Enjoying dinner at the Red Rabbit!  (Mom, Dallin, and Courtney were there, too!)

Kathy:  I'm priming the drawers for our dresser makeover!

Ty:  My favorite part of the day.  (Ty is in Africa!)

Michelle:  Just talking to Ty.

Afton:  Today I learned what the term "snaggle tooth" means.

Eliza:  Today I told my mom that she needed to give me a graham cracker because it was the only thing that would make me happy.  If she didn't, I would never stop crying and I would cry all night so she couldn't sleep and in the morning she would be so tired so she would just want to sleep and then we would be late to church.  Well, that didn't pan out.

Kathyrn:  How come the littlest is always the guinea pig?

Calvin:  American Ninja Warrior

Josh:  Powdered sugar noses from the pastry we ate this morning!

Elizabeth:  Reading books with Layla before bed!

Layla:  I stole Dad's money and put it in my own wallet!

Ellie:  I have to have a towel by my head so I don't get torticollis.

Joseph:  I thought I'd try walking on the treadmill this morning--I loved it!

Jayna:  We came to Rexburg so I could help mom refinish her dresser.

Dallin:  Playing some intense games of Rampage with Joseph!

Courtney:  I love playing Spot It!

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