Saturday, November 28, 2015

We Gather Together

On the Monday before Thanksgiving, Josh and Elizabeth came up to Rexburg and attended Dad's class.  Then we met Allan and Becky at Taco Bell.  Allan is showing Dad and Josh how to download the Taco Bell App so we can get 50% off! 
Tuesday was a special day--we learned Josh and Elizabeth are going to have a girl!!!

Wednesday we traveled to Utah.  That afternoon we saw the last Hunger Games movie with Josh, Elizabeth, Jayna, Joseph, and Marissa.  Then we went out to eat at JCWs.  Hard to believe--but I didn't get any pictures.  I'm slipping.
Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, we went to Roger and Jeannette's.  They were excellent hosts and we had a wonderful time!  Jeannette had made her girls, Megan and Lauren, aprons.  Thanksgiving on the front . . .
. . . Christmas on the back!

While we were waiting for the turkey to finish cooking, we learned some Thanksgiving trivia.  Did you know that cranberries are ready to harvest when they bounce 4 inches off the ground?

Elizabeth, Joshua, Becky, and Allan

Joseph, Jayna, and Marissa

Grant and Brian

Grant and Gladys arrived!


 It's exhausting waiting for dinner to start!

Post Thanksgiving feast, pre-pie, Bingo--complete with prizes!
Elizabeth won and chose the mystery box--which held two binkies!

Gladys won snowmen ears!
Marissa won the coveted Star Wars cup!

Listening to Josh play the piano.

After a wonderful time at Jeannette's we headed back to Grandma and Grandpa Applegate's for more pie and to watch The Santa Clause movie!
Jayna barely managed to survive pillow fights with Josh . . . and Joseph . . . and Marissa.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are so grateful for all our many blessings!
We love and missed Ty, Michelle, Afton, Eliza, Kathryn, and Dallin.
Friday we did minimal shopping.  We helped get out Christmas decorations at Grandma's . . . and managed to sneak in a game of Rummikub, with Josh as the winner.


That afternoon we went to see baby Elizabeth at Jenni's house.  Grandma had us take over her Christmas stocking.  Our Elizabeth was sad the stocking didn't belong to her.
Josh is seeing how it feels to hold a baby GIRL!

Friday evening we went to Temple Square to see the lights.  It was cra cra--there were SO many people there.  While we were waiting for Josh and Elizabeth to get there, we ran into the Calls! 
Brian, Kevin, Nicolette, Jayna, Cecilia, and Kathy
Marissa, Joseph, Jayna, Brian, Josh, and Elizabeth
 Singing "Hark, The Herald Angels Sing"--Charlie Brown style.
It was so beautiful--but soooo cold outside! 
Joseph, Jayna, Marissa

Saturday morning we got to go back to Jeannette's for a brunch with her family, Grant and Gladys, Jeff and Karla, and Trent, Alisa, Lucy, Archie, and Henry.  Jayna got to stop by for a little bit, too.
Then we enjoyed a pizza party while we watched the BYU football game back at Grandma and Grandpa Applegate's.  Josh and Elizabeth left during the game to head back to Pocatello.  And we have enjoyed a nice quiet evening, watching football and basketball.
What a wonderful week this has been!


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