Sunday, July 5, 2015

BYU-I, Here We Come!

Our journey to BYU-I has been a very long one.  I thought it would be worth the time to document some of the highlights over the past seven months.
Over the last several years, Dad has wanted to be a professor at BYU-I.  So he decided last fall that over Christmas break he would start looking at what he would need to do to apply.  He figured the timing would be about right--since he would finish his service as bishop around September 2016.
At the beginning of November, while he was running at the YMCA, he had the distinct impression, "You need to look now."  So he came home, got online, and discovered there was a position open for a BYU-I professor of Business Management. . . and the position closed in 10 days.  After counseling with President Woodward, our stake president, he decided to go ahead and apply.
Here is Dad sending off his application.
On December 19th, 2014, while Dad and I were on a date at Chili's, Dad got a phone call from the Business Management Department Chair at BYU-I.  He said they had gotten many applications and the talent pool was very deep.  They were trying to narrow it down to three candidates, and they wanted to know if they could schedule a phone interview with Dad the following Monday.
On Monday, December 22nd, Dad had his phone interview with the Department Chair and another professor.  Again, they emphasized that the talent pool was really deep and told Dad if he wasn't one of the three candidates, to apply again--because they really liked him.  They told him he should hear one way or the other by the middle of January.  Dad assumed that he probably would not make the top three--but that it was good we started this application process now.  Now the department would know who he is, and when he applied again next time, he would have a better chance.  Plus, the timing would work out better as far as serving as bishop.
In early January, Dad got a phone call from area code 208!  He was one of the top three!  He was told he would fly out to Rexburg for interviews on March 30th.  He would also need to be prepared to teach a class.  He had ten weeks to prepare.  Dad made a plan for each week as to what he would do to prepare.  He worked very hard.  I have a hard time imagining that anyone was more prepared than he was. 
Still, ten weeks is a long time!  So Jayna made a BYU-I chain for him.  Each day he could cut off one link.

There are several chains gone--we're getting closer!
One night for our date, we decided at the last minute to go to Five Guys.  When we were there, we saw that the potatoes were from Rexburg!  It was a sign!  :)
Part of Dad's preparation was buying a new suit, shirt, and socks.
What do you think?!

One day left!

Sunday, March 29th, 2015
Dad is leaving to catch his plane to Idaho!  

Dad had many interviews and taught a class while at BYU-I.  He felt like everything went really well.  And as he walked around campus, he thought, "This is where I want to be!"
Dad was told he should hear in about two weeks if he made the top two.  At that point, he would need to interview with a General Authority and his information would be passed on to the Church Board of Education--which would meet the second Wednesday in May.
On Monday, April 13th, Dad got the call--he made the top two!
So on Wednesday, April 15th, he came home from work in the middle of the day, put on a suit, and got ready to interview with Elder Gavarret of the Seventy.  A few minutes before the interview, the Church called him with a secure link for the teleconference interview.
Here he is--ready for his interview!
About five minutes into the interview, Elder Gavarret asked if Dad was at home.  When Dad said he was, Elder Gavarret asked if I was home.  Dad said I was.  So Elder Gavarret asked if I could join them.  I didn't know I would be a part of this interview, so I wasn't prepared!  I was in jeans and a t-shirt, I had no make-up on because I was still recovering from my eye surgery, and my hair was a mess because I was outside with Josh trying to install my bike rack on the car--and the wind was blowing like crazy!  But Elder Gavarret was very nice.  He asked me a lot of questions about Dad.  The only one I couldn't answer was "How can Brian be a better husband?"  I couldn't think of anything!  He also asked how we felt about the Proclamation on the Family.  I got our family mission statement off the wall and showed it to him.  It was a good experience.
The end of April Dad got a call from the Dean saying our interview with Elder Gaverett went well, and he asked permission to forward all of Dad's information to the Church Board of Education.  Then he told us that we wouldn't hear anything until the middle of June, because it also had to go before the Board of Trustees.  This is the longest process ever!!! 
Dad tried to figure out the timing of things for himself.  He decided that he would hear on Wednesday, June 10th.  I was very worried about him.  If he decided he would hear on June 10th, then every day after that was going to be torture!  And since they told us we wouldn't hear until the middle of June, I didn't think he would hear that early.  I kept trying to prepare him for that.  Michelle tried to prepare him for that.  And on June 10th, as I was talking to Michelle about it, Dad came running through the door.  He just threw his brief case and water bottle down on the floor, burst into the family room, and  yelled, "I got the job!"
I started screaming . . . and hung up on Michelle.  We had a special moment together as we hugged and cried.  The wait had been so long.  And finally, after seven months, Dad got his dream job.  Michelle called us back after a couple minutes to make sure everything was ok, and we shared the good news with her.
For the next couple hours, we had a fun time calling family and telling them the good news.

When we talked with Josh and Elizabeth, Josh directed Dad to go downstairs and look in a special place where he had hidden some cookies (with which Josh and Dad share a bond) to congratulate Dad.  Then Dad was off to meetings at the Church.  

The next night we went out to dinner to celebrate.
It was Dad's choice--so he chose Golden Corral.
A few weeks ago, in preparation for Dad getting the job, I had gotten some DVDs that portrayed inspirational teachers.  I gave them to him that night.

We told Dallin the news in his email on Sunday.  This was his reply:
"I am actually really excited about that. I know that Dad has been preparing for this and more importantly, God has prepared him. He is also super excited about it which is awesome! are going to take everything that I have with you. I know I am a hoarder, but do it haha. If you have any questions send me a picture of everything that you are going to leave please... :) haha Love ya!"
One week later, on June 18th, we were on a plane headed for Idaho for a house hunting trip.
When we first got to Rexburg, we grabbed at quick bite to eat before meeting our realtor.  We ate at McDonalds--Dad thought the fries were picked fresh just for him! :)
In between looking for houses, our trip revolved around food!
Our Page motto:  "And then we eat!"
Did you know the Taco Bus is also a restaurant?!

I tried to put the other half of my banana back in the buffet line
 . . . but they wouldn't let me.

Karie Anne's!!!

 Dad already feels at home.
 Dad is thrilled to be going to the "land of potatoes!"
He thinks French fries grow like grass and tater tots grow on trees!
But we are so grateful for this great opportunity.  We have seen the hand of the Lord directing our lives--not only over the past seven months, but over the course of our lives.  We can see how our educational opportunities, jobs, and church experience have brought us to this point.  We know that Heavenly Father has a Plan . . . for all of us.
We love you all and are so grateful for your love and support.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for both of you! Thank you for giving us the behind the scene details. So excited for you.
