Thursday, December 29, 2022

A Day in the Life

 A Day in the Life of the Pages

Thursday, December 22nd, 2022

Brian:  Hanging out with William at the trampoline park!

Kathy:  After helping Nora on the climbing wall, I got stuck in the foam pit!

Ty:  A delicious breakfast out with the family before our name-drawing shopping spree!

Michelle:  Making homemade lasagna noodles.

Afton:  Family name-drawing shopping spree!  
Eliza and I found one of Calvin's favorite new characters--"Cindy Lulu!"

Eliza:  Love me some Grinch pancakes--but mostly the berries!

Kathryn:  Playing soccer at the Church while Mom practices on the chapel piano.

Calvin:  I found this pancake mold at Walmart last week
and Mom said we could buy it.  We surprised my sisters this morning!

Josh:  White elephant at work . . . I got a mini sombrero!

Elizabeth:  I loved watching Layla sing her heart out tonight!

Layla:  Tonight was our Winter Sing at school.  
My class sang a Hanukkah song about dreidels.

Ellie:  Baking a Christmas treat with Mom this morning.

Joseph:  We enjoyed the lights at Temple Square.

Jayna:  We had so much fun looking at all the lights at City Creek
and Temple Square--despite being freezing cold.

William:  I love Christmas lights and Grandpa.

Nora:  I discovered that I love rock climbing today!

Dallin:  Stranded at the Denver airport--sleeping whenever and wherever we can.

Courtney:  Experiencing -10 weather on the Denver airport deck!

Benson:  I enjoyed learning about escalators and moving walkways!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

A Day in the Life

 A Day in the Life of the Pages

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022

Brian:  Pulling out the Thanksgiving treats a little early!

Kathy:  This is me trying not to cry.  Instead of getting my 22nd picture in Utah with some cute grandkids, I'm home sick on the couch.

Ty:  It's the end of another long day.  Do I look tired?

Michelle:  It's the end of another long day.  Do I look tired?

Afton:  I loved going to see Ellie Osborne's play Matilda the other night!

Eliza:  Sometimes Mom and Dad let Calvin sleep with us.  Tonight is my turn!

Kathryn:  I had a fun soccer team party tonight!

Calvin:  Goofy and handsome with Dad!

Josh:  My new friend from Cracker Barrel.  She told me I'm sexy. :)

Elizabeth:  Lots of baking means lots of dishes!

Layla:  We dropped pumpkin bread and a craft off to some of our friends today and told them we were thankful for them.

Ellie:  I love Tuesdays because it means I get to go to gymnastics.

Joseph:  Giving horsey rides after work.

Jayna:  I got myself a new cool mask to wear to bed!

William:  Much to my mother's dismay, Nora and I figured out how to climb into the foam pit at the trampoline park.

Nora:  Reading my new favorite "book."  AKA the Burger King coupons.

Dallin:  One of my favorite books growing up!

Courtney:  Paint night with friends tonight!

Benson:  First time having Taco Chip Dish, and I approve!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

A Day in the Life

 A Day in the Life of the Pages

Saturday, October 22nd, 2022

Brian:  Pushing Nora in the "car car" at Kids Town.

Kathy:  Nora wouldn't go down the slide by herself--then I understood why.  
We flew down that slide!

Ty:  All my spare time this week went into building this gym.

Michelle:  I had fun taking Calvin to the pumpkin patch yesterday with his preschool.

Afton:  I hosted a bake off with some friends last night 
before we went to a high school volleyball game.

Eliza:  I did a good job on both offense and defense at my soccer game today.

Kathryn:  I won "player of the game" because my coach said 
I am "the definition of a team player."

Calvin:  Just watching my sisters play soccer.

Josh:  I messed up.  Had to cut the pipe to add an extra sprinkler.

Elizabeth:  This is how I watch stranger things.

Layla:  I had the privilege of holding the flashlight during some late night
yard work and didn't even get yelled at.

Ellie:  I'm a kitty cat!

Joseph:  Took the whole family for an ATV ride.

Jayna:  Taking my turn pushing the kids in the cars.  
This was by far their favorite activity at Kids Town.

William:  Following in my mom's footsteps.  
Too bad this soda fountain was just pretend.

Nora:  Getting an early start on my basketball conditioning.

Dallin:  Had a great time watching OSU beat Iowa!

Courtney:  I spent 80% of the game chasing Benson
 and stopping him from eating popcorn on the stairs.

Benson:  We went to see the Goodyear blimp!

And here's an added bonus!