Friday, December 20, 2019

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life of the Pages
Thursday, December 19th, 2019

Brian:  I missed getting a picture on the 19th--so here's a couple from the 20th!  Kathy and I did baptisms at the temple this morning.  Then we went skiing for the first time this winter!  It's great being on winter break!

Kathy:  I served a six-hour shift at the temple today!

Ty:  We said a sad farewell to Eliza’s gingerbread house tonight.  It was a solemn affair.  We each said something we would miss about it, gave it a final loving touch, and sang a farewell.

Michelle:  I helped Calvin teach our Thursday Night Ugly Sweater FHE lesson about the birth of Jesus Christ. He did a great job telling us there was a baby Jesus, a mom, a dad, and some animal sounds. He also demonstrated the sounds of an angel singing.

Afton:  Today at school my class and all of 2nd grade traveled from classroom to classroom. Each classroom was a different country. Germany was focused on Christmas markets and we decorated paper mugs. In Israel we made a menorah for Hanukkah.  In Mexico we made a paper flower and put it on a pencil but I lost it. In The United States, we weaved a mat for Kwanzaa. And I made a paper suitcase and passport, and we had to show the passport to each teacher so we could get in.

Eliza:  I learned how to whistle today and nobody taught me. I just tried to whistle and then I got it.

Kathryn:  I have pink eye. I didn’t get to go to preschool all week. I’m sad that I didn’t get to go.

Calvin:  I lost a toy in the small opening under the fridge. But don’t worry, I got it back. And found an extra.

Josh:  My family all together at the Christmas program.

Elizabeth:  Snuggling my Ellie while all the little kids perform at Layla's Christmas program.

Layla:  Performing at my preschool Christmas program!

Ellie:  Never letting go of my binky.

Joseph:  I had my very first appointment with a muscular dystrophy specialist today.

Jayna:  I got a cool new shirt because I donated blood.  I was an "amazing, superb donor."

Dallin:  Flank said there would be juice boxes and cookies!

Courtney:  Love being in Utah with the fam!!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life of the Pages
Tuesday, November 19th, 2019

Brian:  I've started doing a little yoga at night.  But after a long day at work and three hours at the church tonight, this is all I can do!

Kathy:  Still working on our Peru pictures for our scrapbook!

Ty:  My dad is teaching me to make a Hawkin muzzle loader rifle.  He has probably made 20 some through his life to give to people, to help out a friend, and a few to keep and enjoy.  I’ve helped with parts before but never actually the entire thing, so this has been a great learning opportunity.  I’m going to give this rifle to Calvin to give him a tangible link back to his namesake and grandpa.

Michelle:  I got a fun surprise in the mail!  I missed girls weekend but was not forgotten.  Thanks ladies!

Afton:  I enjoyed attending Young Women in Excellence and seeing what the Young Women have been working on--so much talent!

Eliza:  "There are little bubbles coming out of the big bubble!  It's having babies!"

Kathryn:  We played with parachutes at the library story time.

Calvin:  Kathryn and Mom made fried rice for dinner, and I gave it my rare stamp of approval.

Josh:  Dogpile Dad to end the day.

Elizabeth:  Layla and I had a lot of fun making a butterfly and rainbow this morning.

Layla:  I tried the new Frozen II cereal this morning.  I give it a thumbs up!

Ellie:  I had a hard day today.  Sleeping was my happy place.

Joseph:  My exam is less than a month away, so I spent some time studying tonight.  Look what I can make!

Jayna:  I have a cavity.

Dallin:  I just got back from collecting data for Health Psychology research.

Courtney:  Picnic table challenge!

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life of the Pages
Saturday, October 19th, 2019

Brian: I was all alone on the 19th, so I waited until the next day, my birthday, to get my picture.  I sure missed Mom but got to have Dallin and Courtney for dinner AND got to eat asparagus for dinner in Mom's absence.

Kathy:  We got to have a bridal shower for Kaylee today!

Ty:  I love reading Harry Potter to the kids.

Michelle:  These are my recreation clothes (read in a Nacho Libre voice).  I bought them as a reward for reaching a health goal.

Afton:  Family photos are hard.

Eliza:  I went on a bike ride with Mom on her run this morning.  I told her, "Mom, it's fun doing this with you."

Kathryn:  Family photos are hard.

Calvin:  I love airplanes!  I also have no idea what my dad does at work.

Josh:  I was in charge of dinner tonight.  Check out that Tri Tip!

Elizabeth:  Wrestling with my girls at the end of the night!

Layla:  My friend Matthew came over to play today.  We shared snacks.

Ellie:  Mmmmmm.  Is this corn hand husked?

Joseph:  I fried wings for the first time today!  They were actually pretty good!

Jayna:  #grateful for warm, cozy blankets and Ghost Hunters on a chilly night after a long day.

Dallin:  Had friends over to watch Halloweentown!

Courtney:  I got to hang out with Dallin almost all day today.  It was awesome!