Saturday, December 17, 2016

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life of the Pages
Friday, December 16th, 2016

Brian:  Enjoying a visit from Karla and Jeannette after my surgery.

Kathy:  Jim, Lesha, and Livie brought over dinner tonight.

Ty:  Playing Samuel.  I recited Mosiah 3:19.

Michelle:  Playing Samuel.  I recited 2 Nephi 31:20.

Playing Samuel:  I recited 2 Nephi 32:3.

Eliza:  Playing Samuel.  I recited the First Article of Faith

Kathryn:  Playing Samuel.  "Volvo, volvo, volvo."  (Volvo=Samuel)

Joshua:  Playing with the snow blower. 

Elizabeth:  Just hanging out with my sweet Layla today!

Layla:  Licking the snow . . . and instantly regretting it.

Joseph:  We went to see Star Wars tonight.

Jayna:  I got an early Christmas present from Joseph!  He gave me a collection of sappy Hallmark movies to enjoy.

Dallin:  Taking my last final.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life of the Pages
Wednesday, November 16th, 2016

Brian:  My many faces of joy eating ice cream.

Kathy:  Enjoying family and a fire while working on the computer.

Ty:  I'm thankful for my girls and our Wednesday night tradition of running to the track and Freedom Park.  I run 4 laps with the girls in the stroller, then the girls get out.  Afton runs a whole lap, Eliza 2/3's, and Kathryn gets carried.  Then we play at the park.

Michelle:   I'm thankful that Ty bought new dishes today so I don't have to wash the ones that stacked up through the day today. Our mixed, matched, chipped, and cracked ones are headed for the dump. 

Afton:  I'm grateful for goodnight hugs from my little sister.

Eliza:  I'm thankful for marshmallows and straws. And that my right eye looks cool. 

Kathyn:  I'm thankful for the Sunbeam song. 

Josh:  It's nice being in a home with a piano again.

Elizabeth:  My mom is helping me make a T-shirt quilt.

Layla:  Thank you for my Peru hat, Uncle Dallin!  I love eating the tassles.

Joseph:  Unwinding with Parks and Rec and ice cream!


Jayna:  I wrote a lot of thank you cards today!  Better late than never?

Dallin:  Doing laundry at Mom and Dad's house.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A Day in the Life of the Pages
Sunday, October 16th, 2016

Brian: I had intended on getting a picture with Dallin's Elder's Quorum presidency tonight when they came over for dinner . . . but forgot.  So I decided to get one with Amy Bluder when she came over to get some food . . . but forgot.  So here is a picture of me cleaning up the mess after everyone left!

Kathy:  I had a meeting with my visiting teaching supervisors today.

Ty:  I had to do a quick inventory of our church's games for the Harvest Festival.  They are functional, but not pretty.

Michelle:  At the end of the day it's another day over. 

Afton:  We made some cinnamon rOOOOOOlls yesterday, and delivered them to some neighbors today.

Eliza:  Dad asked me to pick up a few pairs of shoes that were out, and that gave me an idea. . . 

Kathryn:  One great way to make Mom happy is to express an undeniable desire to go to bed. 

Joshua:  Layla found my nose!

Elizabeth:  Feeding Layla.

Layla:  Eating my favorite, oatmeal!

Joseph:  Jayna and I gave talks today and everyone was totally edified! :)

Jayna:  Enjoying some ice cream after a busy Sunday!

Dallin:  Our FHE group going to Church!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

A Day in the Life of the Pages

A Day in the Life of the Pages
Friday, September 16th, 2016

Brian:  After a long week of eating healthy, I'm enjoying a burger, fries, and shake.

Kathy:  I'm in Utah, heading out to run errands with Mom and Dad.

Ty:  Playing racquetball with Michelle for date night.

Michelle:  I finally paid attention to the score during the third game because I actually got 6 points!

Afton:  Crazy hair, don't care.

Eliza:  I had a hard time waking up from my nap.  Then Kathryn held that monkey to my face for forever, waiting for me to kiss it, because she thought it would help me feel better.

Kathryn:  I ate my first corn dog today.  Mom forgot to fully train me before I dug in.  Once she showed me that the inside was edible too, it was like I got two yummy lunches instead of one.

Josh:  I love relaxing with my Layla girl after a long week of school

Elizabeth:  Cooking in the kitchen with Layla!

Layla:  I've learned how to scoot around in my crib and end up in funny places when Mom and Dad come get me in the morning!

Joseph:  Fall leaves make rough four-wheeling trails totally worth the pain.

Jayna:  We went to our friend's cabin with a bunch of people for a couple days.  We bundled up and went star gazing out in the cold.  

Dallin:  My first mission reunion with President and Sister Erickson.