Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sunday and Monday, May 24 and 25

First, good job everyone with your personal blogs!  I really loved reading about your lives and seeing some pictures.  So much fun!  And I think it's a great way to stay a little more connected with each other.
Instead of taking turns each week, I think it would be easier to just assign everyone a specific Sunday--that makes it easier to remember (since sometimes there's a fifth Sunday, like today, which would throw things off).  So, here's the plan:
First Sunday:  Mom and Dad
Second Sunday:  Michelle and Ty
Third Sunday:  Josh and Elizabeth
Fourth Sunday:  Jayna
But since today is a fifth Sunday, I thought I would go ahead and finish up my blog with our last two days in Mississippi.
These pictures were taken of Kathryn on Saturday night.  It wasn't her first bath--but I realized I hadn't gotten any bath pictures yet.  She's getting all clean and pretty for her blessing day tomorrow!

Sunday morning Ty gave Kathryn a beautiful blessing.
Afton wanted to go up and help.
And let's just say, the rest of sacrament meeting was a little chaotic!  I think Eliza got taken out three or four times.  Afton went out once.  And I think Kathryn went out a couple times.  Either way, the last time Michelle went out, she turned to us and said, "This is my circus, and these are my monkeys!" 
Michelle had planned on going home after sacrament meeting, but Kathryn was a little fussy and she wanted to get her calmed down before getting back in the car.

Sunday afternoon naps . . . which were much needed!
(I think Ty's lasted about 3 minutes.)

We had planned on getting pictures of the girls together today--but it just didn't happen.  So Sunday evening we tried to get a few pictures of Kathryn in her blessing dress.  It was the same dress Eliza, Afton, and Michelle wore for their blessings.

The girls weren't too thrilled with our steak on Sunday evening, so Ty gave Afton some left over macaroni and cheese.  Eliza climbed up on the table, leaned over to Afton, and screamed, "SHARE!"  So Afton would give some mac and cheese to Eliza, and you would hear a cute little "Thank you," following by "SHARE!"  This went on for quite some time--it was hysterical!


And if that wasn't enough, when Afton was done, Eliza got down and ate any mac and cheese that had fallen on the floor . . . until she heard Michelle playing the piano.  Listen for how she says "Welcome Mommy" after giving Michelle her phone.  So cute!
Memorial Day, Monday, May 25th
There are many stories about how Memorial Day originated, but one of them states that it started in Columbus, Mississippi.  So we decided to go visit the cemetery there.  On April 25, 1866, four women came to this cemetery and laid flowers on the graves of about 2,500 Confederate and soldiers--as well as 32 Union soldiers.  
There were so many grave markers like this.




I found this old tombstone and was drawn to it.
At the very bottom it says, "Mother."
And right above that it says, "Faithful in all things."

That afternoon, before we left to come home, we tried to get a picture of us with the girls.  This was the best we could do.  Pa, ha!


Sunday, May 24, 2015

Saturday, May 23

Dad is getting a little too much help making breakfast!
Eliza was able to sneak an Olaf waffle off the plate.

Playing with Grandpa.

After naps we went to the pool.  Eliza wanted nothing to do with it!  She kept saying, "Swimming, no want it!"  And she would NOT go into the pool!

Now Afton, on the other hand, was totally in her element.  She is a little fish.  And she LOVED every second!

Grandpa finally convince Eliza to go into the water . . . but only up to her waist!

In the meantime, Ty and Afton had a ball!  This picture may look like Afton was scared, but she was having so much fun.  I loved watching her be so happy!

Afton told Grandpa she wanted him to do a flip off the diving board.  She was insistent.  Dad didn't do a flip, but he jumped for her.  Ty actually did a backward flip--but I wasn't quick enough with my camera.
Finally, after watching all the fun, Eliza decided she wanted to get into the water.  She grabbed Ty around the neck and held on tight!

Once she got used to the water, she had so much fun.
Eliza:  "I'm swimming, I'm swimming!"

Eliza with her towel.

Afton with her towel.

Ty with his towel.

Reading stories with Grandpa.

Thursday and Friday, May 21 and 22

These are the only pictures I got of the girls' on Thursday.
They had fun rolling the big ball back and forth to each other.

On Friday Ty made Olaf waffles for breakfast!

Tamara and Christian Lora came over for breakfast.  They are moving today.  Tamara's father was Dad's mission companion in Brazil. 

Look who got here today!

Dad's in heaven!
Dad with his two Kathryns!

Ty and the girls are setting up for "camping." 
It didn't actually happen Friday night . . . we'll see if it happens before we leave!