Monday, February 23, 2015

Dallin's Pictures - February 23

Snyder's little pet turtle.
  The baptisms! We missed a family of 3 in this big picture.

The Elders that baptized (we missed a couple).
Its Elder Rios, Snyder, Harclyn and me. I baptized Snyder and Elder Rios baptized Harclyn.
Learning how to make Chaufa!! 

This is on the smoking package and people still buy it.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Ten Commandments

Dallin, this blog is specifically for you.
You asked for the hand gestures to help you remember the order of the Ten Commandments.  I'm not sure if this is how you remember them--but we gave it our best shot! (Photo bombs have also been included for your enjoyment.)
#1 - Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Your one finger is pointing to the only God we worship.
#2 - Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
Your two fingers are the ears on a golden calf.

#3 - Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Your three fingers are covering your mouth so you don't take the Lord's name in vain.

#4 - Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.
Your four fingers are making the roof of a church.

#5 - Honor thy father and thy mother.
Use your five fingers to salute your parents.

#6 - Thou shalt not kill.
Four fingers for four people.  Use a finger and thumb from your other hand to make a gun.

#7 - Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Use one hand to form an aisle.  Use two fingers from your other hand to make a man and woman walking down the aisle to get married.

#8 - Thou shalt not steal.
Have one hand grab three fingers from your other hand.

#9 - Thou shalt not bear false witness.
Only hold up eight fingers.  Pa, ha!

#10 - Thou shalt not covet.
You may think Dad is trying to scare someone (and you might be right), but he is actually trying to grab something he is coveting with both hands.

There you have it--hope this helps!

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

We did get a lot of snow the past few days . . . but I have a little catching up to do, too!  I have some pictures from before and after our trip to Texas.
Jayna's been helping out with Achievement Days in our ward.  A couple weeks ago she taught a lesson on love.  For part of their activity, the girls made Valentines.  One of the girls, Lindie, made a Valentine for Jayna. 

When Lindie gave Jayna the Valentine, she said, "Since the paper is shiny, you can actually see that you are so pretty when you look at it!"  Jayna said, "Who knew being an Achievement Days' leader could boost your self esteem?!"

While we were in Texas, the kids carried on the tradition of a heart-shaped pizza for Valentine's Day.  They even made pink, heart-shaped ice cubes like I used to do!  I guess this means I don't need to do this anymore--the kids have it completely under control! 
Here comes the snow!
We love having Josh and Elizabeth live with us--they have taken on the job of being our built-in snow shovelers!

Before leaving for Texas, we were able to FINALLY finish our cabinets.  I cut, stained, and put polyurethane on the kick plates and molding.  Josh helped me install them.

I've been having problems with my eyes for the past two months.  After trying topical and oral antibiotics a few times, I finally went to see the eye doctor.  He thought some new vitamins I've been taking have caused a chemical reaction that is producing enormous amounts of staff in my eyelids.  Is that crazy or what?!  I have to following a strict regimen of antibiotics, eyelid scrubs, and heat packs four times a day for awhile.  Hopefully this will help.  If not, I have to go see an eye lid specialist.  Who knew there was such a thing?!  The kids thought it would be funny to get a picture of me with my little heat pack on my eyes.

On Friday we had our "C" Date!  Dad was in charge.  We started off at "Carmike Cinemas."  We saw the movie, McFarland USA, which was about "cross country" runners.  It was very good.
Dad's original plan was to go to "Chilis" for dinner.  But there was an Olive Garden right by the theatre--and we had a free gift card.  So Olive Garden was an obvious choice.  But, in keeping with the C date, we ordered "chicken" parmesan.  And because we had the gift card, we also splurged on dessert--"chocolate" mousse and lemon "cream cake." 

Yesterday, Saturday, it started snowing late morning.  By Saturday night, most of the wards had cancelled Church for the next day.  By Sunday morning, all the wards had cancelled.  This is Josh out shoveling Sunday morning--for the fourth time since Saturday afternoon.
Josh and Elizabeth--shoveling for the fifth time!

It's supposed to keep snowing all day.  Most schools have already cancelled for tomorrow.
So we are enjoying a wonderful day at home together--full of card games, scotcharoos, Sunday movies, and lots of reading.  It's wonderful having days like this occasionally--to slow down, rejuvenate, and enjoy time with family.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life of the Pages
February 15th, 2015
Brian:  I'm in San Antonio trying to keep my two cute granddaughters on my lap! 

Kathy:  I'm in San Antonio trying to keep my cute daughter and cute son-in-law on my lap!

Ty:  I made some delicious rolls using flour I ground myself with our new wheat grinder.
Michelle: I'm a bit perplexed that I'm at the point in my life that I've become a minivan mom. 

Afton: I'm showing everyone how I hug dad's nose. 
Eliza: Sliding down the stairs made my skirt hike up like Grandma Kathy's. 
Josh:  Then I went to the window and watched as father went out to the shed and got one of the old wooden chairs, flung it over his shoulder as a windshield, and started out over the snow-covered field. I watched as he sat by the fence at the edge of the field for a moment and let the snow swirl around him, and I wondered. Soon he picked up the chair and was gone, blending into the whiteness of the day.
Josh:  Just kidding!  I'm headed out to pick up Mom and Dad from the airport.

Elizabeth:  I'm pulling a Michelle today and refusing to take a picture. These are the cute chalkboards that I made. 
Jayna:  I had to talk in Church today.
Dallin:  Doing the Titanic!


It was also on the 15th that Dad and I headed back home to Colorado.

Valentine's Day and Sea World

Friday morning we got up and decorated for Valentine's Day . . .
. . . and had a wonderful Valentine's Day breakfast!

Notice the heart biscuits and pink gravy!

Ty opened a new wheat grinder they had just received.
Then Eliza fell head first into the empty box!

Then we were off to Sea World!
Watching the dolphins!

Now we're off to see Shamu! 

When Shamu would come above water, Afton would try to show him her own Shamu!

Rides on the carousel.

Having fun at the water park.

Afton had so much fun running around in the water.

Ty got Michelle wet . . .

. . . and then tried to apologize!

 Chillin and watchin the girls!

Eliza had enough of the water.

The water was fun . . . being cold is not!


Grandparents take selfies, too! 
 Jayna, this picture's for you--a palm tree!
Eliza's a sheep dog in training!
(We nicknamed Grandpa sheep dog a long time ago because he always checks the map and leads the way.)

From these pictures of the girls, I think our day was a big success.

After we got home, Michelle and Ty got ready to go on a date--a Valentine's dinner.

We had our own Valentine's dinner--pizza and rootbeer!

Then we gave the girls a bath.  Previously we had given them puppies for Valentine's Day.  When it came time to get in the tub, Eliza wanted to bring her stuffed dog in the water.  We put the dogs on a stool--hoping that would help.  But it just made it worse!  Eliza cried, "doggie, doggie, doggie" the entire time she was in the tub!

Then it was time for Cinderella.

Afton liked Gus Gus.

Another great day!