Friday, January 22, 2021

A Day in the Life

 A Day in the Life of the Page Family

Welcome to the blog, William and Nora!

Thursday, January 21st, 2021

Brian:  Just kickin' back after a long day.

Kathy:  I visited another ward's Relief Society Meeting, and look what I made!

Ty:  Ice cream makes everything better!

Michelle:  The kids and I have spent the last two days (plus various hours beforehand) at a friend’s house overseeing their move back to the States. They had to leave in a hurry for a child’s emergency surgery. The movers finished loading the truck at 5pm today and we are thrilled to have that behind us.

Afton:  We’ve spent the last two days in a progressively emptier house without our own stuff. We did some school, but I preferred the movies Mom downloaded to the iPad.

Eliza:  Mom tried to keep me inside the house and out of the way of the movers, and mostly succeeded. Except when I disappeared outside for awhile and started a new collection.

Kathryn:  Moving is fun when you’re only in charge of your royal subjects, not the movers or paperwork or any of the stuff.

Calvin:  We had leftovers for dinner tonight. I didn’t like any of the options, so I took matters into my own hands and asked Mom simply to open it for me. My tears are from a combination of Mom telling me “no,” and everyone laughing at my selection.

Josh:  Look what I got today!!!

Elizabeth:  Walking to the park with my two best girlfriends.

Layla:  I'm very proud of this necklace I made all by myself!

Ellie:  Rocking some sweet shades.

Joseph:  I have barely survived the past two weeks with no internet--today we finally got internet.  I'm a happy man!

Jayna:  Feeding babies with Grandma Marci!

William:  Getting some good stretches after a long afternoon nap.

Nora:  Contrary to popular belief, I do have two eyeballs.

Dallin:  Long day of getting my weekly COVID test, going to Courtney's appointment, and my first day in clinic actually working with patients (not learning on Zoom)!

Courtney:  Who knew something so small could make you so sick??   Elizabeth, probably.

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