Saturday, November 21, 2020

A Day in the Life

 A Day in the Life of the Pages

Friday, November 20th, 2020

Brian:  Friday Family Fun Night at Dairy Queen!

Kathy:  We visited and fed the crazy ducks today!

Ty:  Calvin is a great workout buddy.

Michelle:  Looked through some old photos and reminisced about that one time Mom didn’t let me choose my own outfit for my yearly portrait studio visit. (To be fair, one year I did choose a John Elway jersey.) Mom promised me I’d thank her one day for making me wear this one. So here it is...
Thank you Mom. This outfit, shoulder pads and all, is 90’s gold. Not pictured: the matching shorts.

Afton:  I set a goal to run a non-stop mile by the end of the year, and I got really close on my first try. 

Eliza:  If Afton can run a mile with Mom, so can I.  I just probably shouldn't do it right after dinner next time.

Kathryn:  I finished my handwriting book and Mom had no idea.

Calvin:  I had my first play date just for me today.

Josh:  Rolling my shirts after a long day at OTS.

Elizabeth:  I love playing airplane because I get to lay down.

Layla:  I love when Lyla comes over to play!

Ellie:  Even though it's 35* outside, I still love going down slides!

Joseph:  This is our first purchase of the many big purchases in preparation for the house and babies.

Jayna:  Finally bedtime!  I don't sleep great these days, but I'm probably sleeping much better than I will be in a couple months--so I'm trying to enjoy it while I can.

Dallin:  Hanging out with Headward and his eye for a fun Friday night.

Courtney:  Just another day of people asking where the toilet paper is, and them being confused when I say it's sold out.