Sunday, May 20, 2018

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life of the Pages
Friday, May 19th, 2018

Brian:  A yummy date night at The Hickory.

Kathy:  I had my follow-up visit with the surgeon today.  Everything is looking good!  Now . . . if I can just plant my flowers. (Sigh)

Ty:  Playing with Calvin. “Dance Calvin! Dance dance dance, wait... No... You’re not going to be a dancer. Umm... Punch! Punch punch punch!”  

Michelle:  I have survived another day!

Afton:  Sometimes a girl just needs some space to call her own.

Eliza:  I love playing with Calvin. This is one of the rare moments when it’s possible for his face to be cut out of the frame because I’m not right in it. 

Kathryn:  I spend a lot of my time here lately. I stayed dry last night and all day for the first time today!

Calvin:  Heading home from another doctor appointment to figure out my feeding aversion. Today my doctor decided to send me to a speech pathologist next to check out my mouth. This is exhausting. 

Joshua:  Mowing the lawn!

Elizabeth:  We went to the Farmer's Market tonight and got corn dogs for dinner!

Layla:  Mom and I got to do Grandma's hair today.  I love playing with curlers!

Joseph:  We moved into our new apartment today.  Move-in day is not complete without a nap!

Jayna:  We moved into our new home in Murray today!  We forgot to get pictures at our townhome, but we did enjoy an ice cream cone after a long day of moving.

Dallin:  Just playing with Layla.

Courtney:  I ordered these cute little bow scrunchies from China and they got here today!  Everything else I ordered was too small . . . come on, China!